Kashif Memon

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since Jul 12, 2003
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Recent posts by Kashif Memon

Hi Amit,

You will have to add the SSL certificate of the vendor providing webservice to the Trust Store of your application server. I resolved this issue once for my team by exporting the cetficate from the browser adding it to the truts store.

You can add this certificate to trust store using WebSphere Admin Console.


15 years ago
Are you able to access your application using applicaiton servers WC_defaulthost port?
If not, please make sure that application context you are using is correct.
If yes, check the location of plugin-cfg.xml file in httpd.conf and also comment out the whole virtualhost section in httpd.conf file.


15 years ago
Hi Jeanne,

You are right, it was the problem of ClassLoader I just changed class loading policy on application and it worked.

Thanks for your help!


Check the plugin-cfg.xml file on IHS if it is updated or not after deployment of application. If it is not updated it means the location of plugin-cfg.xml in WAS configuration is not correct.


15 years ago
Hi All,

I have placed a jar at root of EAR which is using jars placed in WEB-INF\lib when I access the application I am having exception java.lang.ClassNotFoundException for the jar placed in WEB-INF\lib. Can you please help what I am missing? I am using Websphere application server 6.1 for deployment.


The attribute virtualHostName of webappbnd:WebAppBinding need to be modified in ibm-web-bnd.xmi file which is placed in WEB-INF in the web application project.

This will need to be modified to be virtualHostName="default_host"
Hope this will resolve your problem.


16 years ago
I am also having same problem, any suggestion?

I am working on struts portlet and deploying on IBM WebSphere Portal 5.1

16 years ago
Thank you William Brogden and Lasse Koskela for your kind help. Your given links will really help me alot to learn Jini in detail.
Kashif Memon
20 years ago
hi all,
can somebody plz refer me a good book to learn Jini and some good links as well.
Thanks in anticipation.
Kashif Memon
SCJP (1.2)
SCWCD (1.4)
20 years ago
Hurran! Passed the exam. Thanks Evelyn, Kathy and Bert.
and congrats to all who has passed the exam.
Muhammad Kashif Memon
short-name element does not represent prefix. if the prefix in Jsp page doest not match the short-name element's value of the respective custom tag, it doesn't matter.

Originally posted by Kashif Memon:
3)Does it shows that the tag is not a custom tag?
in 3) it's classic tag, not custom tag

if the <body-content> is declared as scriptless
1)We can't use scripting code in the body of the tag.....it's ok.
2)Can we use scripting code to assign the value of an attribute?
Eg: <ws:hello var="response"
name="<%=request.getParameter("username")%>" />

3)Does it shows that the tag is not a custom tag?
can any body plz guide me
I have a little confusion regarding simple & custom tags
does it mean that the body of the tag can not contain scripting code and the tag is simple tag?
In Java Arrays are like objects and object needs explicit casting.