greg philpott

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I had the same (or very similar) problem.

To solve, I had to edit the default security settings.
In the deploy tool, select your advice bean in the left pane and open up the 'Security' tab in the right pane. Then hit the 'Deployment Settings' button and make sure the 'Support client choice' radio button is selected.

Hope that solves it!
Not clear from your post, but I assume its the comma you want to get rid of.
If so do this, prior to your parsing:

[ April 06, 2005: Message edited by: greg philpott ]
19 years ago
show some code. [particularly how you are submitting]
people can only speculate -at best- as to what your problem might be from what you have said.
[ March 16, 2002: Message edited by: greg philpott ]
22 years ago
every thing in its place.
create a class like this:

and use this bean in your class - have an array of them.
then your loop will look something like this:

so your loop is short and your data is in its bean.
[ March 16, 2002: Message edited by: greg philpott ]
22 years ago
put what needs searhing into a javaranch string:
com.javaranch.common.Str str = new Str(yourString);
then call replace(String s1, String s2) on it.
be careful though, you might want to take a look at the new regex package (new to JDK1.4) to use strict replacement patterns
22 years ago
just change the environmental setting CLASSPATH to point to the dir/dir's that have your classes.
If that doesnt work search your tomcat start script to see if that is setting your classpath, and change it there. (should be ${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/startup .sh or .bat(for windows).
set your classpath like this:
SET CLASSPATH=C:\yourclasses;C:\yourlib\classes.jar;.
or (on unix)
setenv CLASSPATH /yourlib/classes.jar:/yourclasses/:.
22 years ago
use java.lang.Math class
22 years ago
yo richy!!
i'll drop you an e-mail to catch up.
What I think is your problem is the scope of your javabean, make it scope="request" in your to and from jsp's.
Alternatively, keep it session, and implicily set the javabeans properties in the destination jsp page from the request(to do this your input field names have to match up with your javabean variables) -and you'll have the bonus of not having to set them in your servlet
22 years ago
I do not know of any conditions where a local inner class must be used (a class in a method).
I have never had to use one to solve a problem yet, maybe someone with more Swing or AWT experience might have an example for you . . .
23 years ago
here is another example that shows how it can be usefull:
23 years ago
If you must call bMethod() in you main() method some hacking needs to be done:
You can achieve this by making your local inner class implement an interface or inherit from some 'normal' class.
This is your example modified to show how this is done:
23 years ago
check out
Its open source and might save you a lot of work ,and be interesting for you to look at and see how they did it.
23 years ago
TextField is an awt class, and awt does not have support for arabic text, in fact it does not have much support for i18n(Internationalization) at all.
If you use Swing you will get what you want.
check out for all your i18n needs! (there is a tutorial you should follow there too)
23 years ago