Prasanna Puttappa

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since Jul 21, 2003
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Recent posts by Prasanna Puttappa

Duc Vo wrote:Well, in that case do you want to elaborate what you meant by "no luck"?

Thanks for your reply. This was a side question and I will get back to the forum after few attempts by me to resolve exceptions. The most important is I am looking for people experience on below

1. Has anyone tried running JSF2.0 on WAS 6.1. Is it working for you?
2. Is it a good idea to run JSF2.0 on WAS 6.1? Any known issues?

Thanks again.
14 years ago

Duc Vo wrote:Do you have to run on WAS? If it is just for demonstration purpose, tomcat should be good enough.

Yes. It has to run on WAS6.1 and its not for demo
14 years ago
Hi All,
To my customer I proposed JSF 2.0 and lately I realized that customer has WAS 6.1 and they have no plans to upgrade to 7.x in near future. JSF2.0 requires Servlet Spec 2.5 where as WAS6.1 supports servlet spec 2.4. I am looking for you suggestions on

1. Has anyone tried running JSF2.0 on WAS 6.1. Is it working for you? I am trying to deploy a sample application, but facing problem and I don't have much time to experiment also :-(
2. Is it a good idea to run JSF2.0 on WAS 6.1? Any known issues?

ps: I tried steps given in the forum but no luck.

14 years ago
Congratulations and thanks for sharing your experience.
DD is optional because of Annotations. Using annotations you can specify things like Transaction type, Resource/JNDI mapping, etc in your code and so no need to bother about specifying it in DD. In case it is required to override during deployment/production you can always do it in DD.
Hi Sam,
How to beat mid-career crisis?

14 years ago
Thank you all for the response. So, is it required to put details regarding hardware requirement, deployment environment etc as part of architecture?

How to model or justify Non Functional Requirements in Architecture document ? For example, the NFR is accepted response time is x secs. How to justify and ensure the final product will meet this requirement? Any pointer to good reference would be great.

Congrats !!

All the best for Part 2 and 3.

I am preparing for SCEA exam and your book is a very good start. Thanks.

I feel your book is very thin for SCEA exam. I know you want us to read lot many books because becoming architect is not so easy job :-), but I think some more elaboration is required on each topic. Any particular reason to keep this book so thin?

Also, each chapter asks for JSR study for each JEE component as a prerequisite. I think going through all JSR is very difficult and I guess it wll take a year to prepare for SCEA exam. Is it sufficient to read only Sun JEE tutorial instead ?

Welcome Mark Cade & Humphrey Sheil !!

Now days I am preparing for SCEA exam and your book is a very good start. Thanks.
- Read newspaper
- Refresh
- watch tv/sometime try to cook something special/walking
- Now a days reading for SCEA exam
- have dinner
- Sleep
14 years ago