Why do these name change messages appear in the middle of the thread? I wish I had the power to move these messages to the forum "Control freaks asking you not be creative with your name" :roll:
I also got that "Naming Policy" message. I find 90% of the names here "fake" since I am not familiar with those type of names. I find the name of the guy (the moderator), who sent me that message, strange and fictitious. Stupid naming policy and even more/worse stupid moderators chasing people and asking them to change their names. I don't see any difference in using "1234567890" or "Stevie Nicks" if both of them are not the true names of the user. Instead of sending messages and harassing people, say something useful and contribute to the threads...
I just uploaded a little Java application to help you debug/write XSLT files. The Graphical User Interface is simple and intuitive. You can download it from here: visualXSLT Touchdown Panthers!!!
The error message can't get any clearer than this: "cannot access org.w3c.dom.Element" You need to add the following line at the top your code (below any package statements) import org.w3c.dom.*;
There is a method named isIgnoringElementContentWhitespace() in the class DocumentBuilderFactory (package: javax.xml.parsers ) Set it to 'true' before you get an instance of DocumentBuilder from it.
Hint: delete the line (containing the matching record) from the file and write the remaining contents to the same file. So you need something to hold the contents of the file. You have various options (String, Array of Strings ...)
I don't understand your problem. I don't get the relationship between [mode] and the .properties file. If you want to read/load the .properties file in your program, it must be present in one of the directories specified by the CLASSPATH.
you can remove a lot of lines from your code using the call getElementsByTagName("tag_name"). I use this function to get the value of a node:
the 'for' loop inside is just to be safe with all sorts of parser implementations. The text value of the node is represented, some times, in multiple child nodes.
you can remove a lot of lines from your code using the call getElementsByTagName("tag_name"). I use this function to get the value of a node:
the 'for' loop inside is just to be safe with all sorts of parser implementations. The text value of the node is represented, some times, in multiple child nodes.