Priyanka Chopda

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since Jul 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Priyanka Chopda

Hi All,
I have very good opportunity as a permanent J2EE developer. Few days before in a preliminary interview when I was asked about the salary range...I gave very low range (approx. 45K). I have approx. 2 years of experience in java/J2EE. This company is very respectable and frankly I'm been waiting for this opportunity from long time...I wouldn't have worried much even if they would have paid me small amt. But now I think my interview went well and I believe ball is in my court. I just want to make sure that whenever I'm negotiating salary it should be in accordance to the current job market. As it is permanent position this salary range is going to affect me for long term. Could you please post as to what range I should try negotiating? For your additional info:
1. Place is not a big city like NY, Chicago etc
2. I'll have to drive an hour to go and again an hour to come back.
3. Sometimes I would be told to carry pagers
4. Sometimes I would be told to stay late

Please let me know your opinions :roll:
20 years ago
Guys, thanks for your quick replies. This is contract for 6 months, and even I thought that I keep on getting calls from many firms but actually hirings are none. So I don't want to miss this chance. This role is more of help desk type with knowlegde of scripting,SQL,Unix. In mean time I'm also looking for other jobs. But are there some of you who did the jobs like these and were able to break into development or working on new technology? I'm surely waiting for your replies.
Please do reply your opinions.
Thanks a bunch.
20 years ago
Though my expertise lies in Java/J2EE I have this offer of Production Support in one of the big company. Experience wise I don't have more to get direct developer job (1 year exp). But I'm really afraid that if I take up this job and work on non-development role I will never get a break as a developer or programmer. But on other side something is better than nothing...right? What should I do? please let me know
20 years ago
its in USA, chicago suburbs!
20 years ago
Ohh and I always forgot I have one year experience.
20 years ago
I have to negotiate the hourly rate for a job. Job description is monitering and running scripts. If something goes wrong than have to look into it but not in depth. Instead have to fwd it to developers who wrote it. Skills used: unix, Shell scripting, SQL, Java

Its a NIGHT SHIFT (12 hr) includes working ON WEEK ENDS too!

Please give me idea of market rate for this type of consulting job.
20 years ago
thanks Jeff for your quick reply! I think you are right...but again technical stuff means I have to dive into websites,books etc. You cannot tell what the interviewer will ask. Because the guy who inteviwed asked me questions which he was asked during his time. But he was good enough to take those questions lighly.

20 years ago
Hi all,
I'm in between the interview process for a company. My first with HR person was good enough to take me to the technical PROVEIT test. I cleared the test and was able to get a call for technical phone interview. I have given satisfactory answers and the guy was saying that he would definetely recommend me and he did! Now they have call me for another interview which will last for 2 hours??? I'm worried what usually they ask for so long interview? Will it be technical again or it will be judge personality? Can you please post few question for which I should be prepared?

20 years ago
For my MS thesis, I've developed online questionnaire on Web Services Technology.Your responses will remain completely anonymous and are extremely important to me. Kindly take this survey so that I can have good data to use in my thesis.I'll gladly inform you about the results of this study.Here is the URL of the questionnaire. Please fill it.
Please forward this link to your friends who would be interested in filling this questionnaire.
Many Thanks in Advance.
20 years ago
Hi there,
In my questionnaire, un-filled questions will be discarded. So this is an attempt to get maximun valid data.
20 years ago
Hi All,
I'm doing my MS in computer science. For my thesis, I've developed online questionnaire on Web Services Technology. Your opinions are extremely important to me. Kindly take this survey so that I can have good data to use in my thesis.
Here is the URL of the questionnaire. Please fill it.
Many Thanks in Advance
20 years ago
Hi All,

I'm doing my MS in computer science from Illinois state university. For my thesis, I've developed online questionnaire on Web Services Technology. Your opinions are extremely important to me. Kindly take this survey so that I can have good data to use in my thesis.

Here is the URL of the questionnaire. Please fill it.

Please forward this mail to your friends who would be interested in filling this questionnaire.
Many Thanks in Advance
20 years ago
I'm having trouble compiling my servlet. I did set classpath pointing to servlet.jar and j2ee.jar like
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;F:\Applications\Tomcat4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar;F:\Applications\Tomcat4.1\common\lib\j2ee.jar
But still i'm getting errors
package javax.servlet does not exist
package javax.servlet.http does not exist
import javax.servlet.http.*;
Just wondering what am I missing?
20 years ago
Hello guys,
I have set my classpath pointing to servlet.jar. But still I'm not able to compile the servlet.
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;F:\Applications\Tomcat4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar
set PATH=F:\Applications\Tomcat4.1\common\lib\servlet.jar
Any ideas what I'm missing.
20 years ago
I will give it a shot. I agree that I should do something different to make my resume noticeable.
Thanks again
21 years ago