Jason Hocker

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since Jul 23, 2003
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Recent posts by Jason Hocker

When should activities also be designed for landscape? Only when there is text entry, or every time? This is a debate in my shop.
14 years ago
I looked, and didn't see any older posts, that still have good links.
Are there any sites as awesome as this one to help prepare for Microsoft certifications (new management in place; everything converting to Microsoft except we'll keep our java code we have)
Although my coworkers/management say we are agile, they still can't comprehend basics, let alone any specifics from a methology. What advice can you give to get the "experts" at my company to rethink their procedures/rules?
I only found ads... what was the link?
At javaone I went to a BOF about this exam, and the guy said he was writing a book to be out in the fall. I forget what his name was. Are there new books coming out for this exam?
I don't think that helps my problem.

Let me make up an example. I have an object of a Person. A person has parents, and children, so in that sense I have a tree. So Person has an arraylist of Person objects to note their kids. Each Person object also has friends. So those objects could be scattered all over this "tree". When someone dies, I want to remove them totally from memory. I want the parent to remove the child from their array of children. (Don't worry about their children... this isn't the real example). When that happens, I want the dead person also removed from all the lists of friends.

If your post would solve my problem, please supply an example because I do not think it fits.
16 years ago
I have an object, that contains other objects, etc... any of these objects might have an ArrayList of Foo objects that shows parent/child relationships. These objects also have a second list of Foo objects for a different meaning.

Here is what I want. As items are added to the first set, they are then allowed to be in the second list of other objects. I was going to write a method to return all the names in the child lists of a node recursively. When an item though is removed from the first list, I want to find all objects that have that item in their second list and automatically remove them.

How can I design this? Would using the observable pattern help? But I'm not sure where to put that code...
16 years ago
I passed! Only thing I had trouble on was I only received 65 for locking. I've read on here about people getting 44 for locking, but 65? Do we know what that might mean?
Found the answer on certmanager.com. I was looking at galton.com/~sun
I passed!, but I do not see the score, only that the kit is being mailed. Can I see the score and breakdown online?
I bought the exam like in 2003. my instructions said to be graded out of 400, but its different between whats on the website now. My categories match the FAQ on this site. Current version:

General Considerations - 80
Documentation - 50
Object-Oriented Design - 50
GUI - 70
Locking - 80
Language Fluency - 70

Under what group will I be graded?
I too am still waiting... should I be worried? Is there one central grader or do different countries have different queues to wait to be graded?
I checked the status of my exam... I submitted it last week and took the essay exam last week. It says "enrolled". Is that what i should expect or would it say something else after I submit and take the exam.
I don't want to say why I'm worried about an answer I gave on the essay exam because I do not want to give away the questions... but they weren't what I was expecting. Does the answers you give get graded and part of the general considerations grade? How much impact?