Vijay Kumar

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since Jul 24, 2003
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Recent posts by Vijay Kumar

Thanks Hunter,

I did post because I had an doubt and now its clear as you said

So regardless of how many operations you perform in your loop, you still touch N elements.

12 years ago

Chandra shekar M wrote:Hi,

In java String is stored as a char array; in java size of the array is predetermined and stored in head so getting the size of the array or string will be O(1).
and however string reverse will be O(N) it cant be less than this; as you will end up visiting each element when reversing.


I doubt, why do I need to visit on each element on string? What about below code. I know there is no O(N/2), as Ulf said its linear complexity, but in this case it is.

12 years ago
Thanks Mark,

So even I am using POJO base AOP, I need AspectJ and associated jar.

I am not sure who can answer it - Why spring library does not include the dependent jars?

Hi All,

I am new to spring.

Downloaded spring-framework-3.1.0.RC1 and trying to create a simple aop based program.

Please see spring configuration file Application.xml

As mentioned in configuration file, I am using POJO based aspect, but while running my sample program I am facing below exception

i am wondering why this class is not present in spring 3.1. On web I was suggested to add 'aopalliance-1.0.jar'. I add this but after that I got below exception and was suggested to add - aspectjweaver.jar.

I am not sure why spring is asking me to include aspectj jars. Even though I am using POJO base aop. looks like there is an internal dependencies. If I am downloading the complete package of spring then all the libraries must be present in that.

Thanks for reading this.

Thanks Vyas,

Any idea about Spring bean util, I see source code but could not find that it is thread safe.

13 years ago
Hi all,

I am calling a web service using AXIS. I have stubs code which has multiple DTO extends Serializable interface.

I have also same kind of DTOs layer which extract data from presentation layer and populate the DTOs generated by Axis and send across to web-service provider. Everything is working fine.

My question is that do I need to implement Serializable interface to my local DTOs or not. As per me neither I am going to send these object across to network nor storing anywhere, so I should not implements it. But still looking some comments.


13 years ago

Is org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.copyProperties threadsafe.

13 years ago
Thanks Peter,

Project build perfectly from command line.

I can't post POM.xml due to some restrictions. But its was running fine with Europa/Maven-2.

13 years ago
Hi all,

I have maven projects, while importing it I am facing below error.

Environment : Eclipse Helios , Maven m2eclipse , maven-2.0.7

13 years ago

Please share some mock test ursl.

14 years ago
Hi Al,

One of or server is is exposed on internet. My boss has asked me to implement security .

A web based financial application is running on server which is implementing an SSL and form based authentication.Please suggest me how are the other ways to protect server as well as application.


14 years ago
You can use any tool kit like AXIS/XFIRE or JAX-WS.

14 years ago
Thanks for quick response.

I am looking a message level security which is given in provided link but not very informative. It is based on NETBEANS can I have a example bases on eclipse and my web service consumer can use any technology .Net.

For example there is a Web site developed in JSP/servlet and hosted on a Tomcat as soon as request land on server and web service call to another server on which my services are hosted. Service consumer can send a web services request which can be generated by AXIS2 stubs/JAX-WS or .net

Please suggest how can I enforce client to send a secure message to service.


14 years ago
I am using glass fish server v3. I may use AXIS2 also.

Vijay Kumar
14 years ago
Can some one please share good tutorial with example to secure a webservice.

14 years ago