A. Levi

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 26, 2003
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Recent posts by A. Levi

I play and I play very hard on the weekends.
17 years ago
I was disappointed with this movie. [I loved Sin City, probably watched it half a dozen times. My intentions are NOT to hack this thread just an opinion]
[ April 11, 2007: Message edited by: A. Levi ]
17 years ago
You need second life on your system for these links to work. copy and paste it in your browser it will launch SL.

DELL -> secondlife://Dell Island/2/88/24
Sears -> secondlife://IBM 10/75/29/23
IBM -> secondlife://IBM/106/6/23
American Apparel -> secondlife://Lerappa/140/134/33

Dell actually lets you configure some selected systems and buy online.
SL is still a baby, A lot of things need to be ironed out such as graphics, security etc. possibilities are limitless.
[ January 24, 2007: Message edited by: A. Levi ]
17 years ago
no nekkid chicks, no boobies, I want my 5 mins back.

on a side note, if you ever want to stick up for your self, dont be afriad of getting your ass beaten, hurts like a mother but make sure you fight dirty and get your point across
17 years ago

Originally posted by Amitabha Batranab:
Well I never filed for any patents. Too much paper work and not to mention impossible to enforce especially across international boundries. I was merely a teenager with stars in my eyes and a dream in my heart when these ideas were germinating withinn my being. But now all is lost, I am a shattered man today thanks to Mr. jobbs. I guess I just have to move on and not pay attention to the billions I couldve made or the lives I couldve changed.

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be a shepherd.
17 years ago
Dont care for jets,

Go Giants.

Giants are a talented bunch but they have got to get their youknowwhat together.
[ January 02, 2007: Message edited by: A. Levi ]
17 years ago
Leather technologist (almost got in)
A job hating Math Teacher (which I was before, those little evil creatures will do that to you)
[ December 27, 2006: Message edited by: A. Levi ]
17 years ago

Originally posted by Gregg Bolinger:
Why does it matter if you don't intend to go back?

+1, 10 yrs in professional life, Never made any friends nor enemies. Thats why they are called as colleagues not friends. I could care less about their opinions if it has nothing to do with work related.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Scott Johnson:
20 years, 1 company.

I started here when I was 3 years old. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Good to have parents like you

17 years ago
love is a myth. just a personal opinion. dont start killing me
17 years ago

Originally posted by Prakash Dwivedi:

Good one, but wont work for female employees

it does if the chick is a butch.
[ November 26, 2006: Message edited by: A. Levi ]
17 years ago

Originally posted by John Meyers:
Did you ask her out ?

yes did you?
17 years ago
To Live,

Long Island, NY


Upstate NY

To Work
You have got access to New York City, best f*ing city in the world, ethnically diverse[that means you wont get one of those looks which you usually get in those central states], plenty of job opportunities.
17 years ago
you prob are not going to like this but here is my 2 cents.
if you have not figured him out in 3 years you aint gonna do it in the next couple of days. do you like the money you getting right now working for him? if so roll with it if not get out, if not for the money nor the glory [promotions] no reason to work there.
17 years ago