Lance Duncan

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 28, 2003
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Recent posts by Lance Duncan

we all know cert is not as strong as experience, but more is better than less, less is better than nothing.
so the matter of the question is money, which is same as timing, because you will get that exam money eventually.
21 years ago
i have another point to make. in real programming, project starts with design and analysis, through development, end with testing. you may also want to follow through the progress.
21 years ago
21 years ago

Originally posted by Nad Shez:
I recently passed my SCJP. Sure the certification reinforces the parameters of the language well, but all i made during the time were test programs. So any tips/books you guys recommend that can give me a kick start in making some real programs? Thanks.

there is too much to learn on top of SCJP. if you start from scratch, you may find a SCJP is almost nothing to start doing real programming. i think you will find SCWCD, SCEA are all very helpful, you can even try some ibm, oracle stuff. just my 2 cents.
21 years ago
maybe you should knock at the door of each company,
"hello, anybody here?"
21 years ago
where did you get yours? filipong?
21 years ago
let's not forget the richest man in the world is still a IT guy.
21 years ago
the first is old one, but has some advantange over the newer one
do you sponsor work permit? if there is any.
21 years ago

Originally posted by Theodore Casser:
Doesn't the iPaq ship with Jeode on the supplemental disk? (Mine did.)

unfortunately, mine does not.
21 years ago
what is the excjange rate for indian currency?
$1 US = 10k indian ruby?
21 years ago
well, i thought that is german
21 years ago