Hello Justin,
You wrote:
I'm looking forward to the day very soon where there are lots of Rails applications running on the JVM via JRuby (and on the CLR via RubyCLR).
I have a few questions on your comment above:
1. When do you think that will be possible?
2. Will the apps run pretty much unchanged?
3. Why would you want to do that? a) Speed, b) integration with Java Libraries?
4, 5, 6 ... Any other benefits?
I have a number of books both on Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I am quite impressed with their quality.
what is it in your opinion that differentiates your book from the rest? A number of people looking into Ruby and RoR are Java Developers Architects anyway.
Also, I have questions around Security in Ruby. When will there be support for PKI, WS-Security etc? What is the RoR community position on that? What is your opinion?
Can someone experienced in J2EE and Web frameworks like Struts leverage his/her knowledge to fast track learning Ruby on Rails? Does your book help on that front? If yes, then please elaborate.
I am sorry if I am bombarding you with questions, but this thread seems to have very nicely tried to hit on all the saliant points. You must be familiar with David Blacks book on Ruby on Rails. How doe your book differ from that?
Thanks in advance for your answers.