Pallu Sagar wrote:Please chk your table relationship..seems to be strange for me..nyways...
About relationship , the system is like user cannot exist without organisation....
If your query has select clause then you cant get 'Organisation' object resultset... query would return you a resultset...
Then you have to write your own QueryResutSet mapper for mapping / binding...
Sorry , i did nt understand that i cannot get my Entity Object by using SELECT clause .
Can you please provide me example where we fetch selected attributes from two related tables and getting back an Entity as result of uniqueResultset?
Simple way to do is remove select clause and identify your fetching strategies...and apply those on collection
Paul Sturrock wrote:You will need to define a version property in your mapping then it should just work.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:Depends where else the Statement object is referred to from. The real problem is that you might not close the statement if it is not in a finally block.
Originally posted by Peter Chase:
What does %foo% mean?.[/QB]
It means searching all names having foo as part of name.
Do you want to search with Java or with Oracle (i.e. SQL)? It's not clear from your post
Originally posted by Remko Strating:
You could create an uniqueId by using the nano time
It will only work with jdk 1.5.
Originally posted by Paul Sturrock:
Will a UID do?
Originally posted by Wagner Danda:
Hi Vikas,
take a look at Struts Validator:
Best regars,
Wagner Danda