Sivaraman Lakshmanan

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since Aug 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Sivaraman Lakshmanan

Hi All,

I am trying to read a cell background color from a sheet, this is not a standard color in the palette and its a custom color. The color value is RGB [159, 200, 222]. When I read this cell background color using POI 3.8 I am getting the value wrongly as RGB [51, 204, 204] which is a standard palette color.

Could someone please help on this.
Hi All,
I have configured tomcat for connection pooling and made minimum connection size is 20 and maximum allowed is 30. What will happen if we try to access more than 30 connections. Will the system through an error or will the connection wait until next one is available or the pool size will be increased?

My guess is the connection will wait until the timeout and then will throw an error.

Can someone please explain the same. Any help on this is very much appreciated.

Hi Rajesh,
Just query your database for the email ids something like "Select * from emailtable where conditon". Once you execute the above statement you get the resultset. Loop through the resultset and get all the emails ids and store them in a StringBuffer seperated by ";". Then use this in your mailer programme.

Hope this helps.
Hi Tim,
Thanks for the reply. As you said if Log4j is not applicable could you please advice what log settings I should do to stop these logging. I have gone through the tomcat documentation but no luck. As you said the documentation is quite confusing.

Based on your point 2 is there a way to find the package name which is not in recomended format.

Help on this is very much appreciated.
15 years ago
I have added the file in the classpath. In the properties file I have made to INFO. Still I am seeing all the debug log happening. Is there a way to stop this. I have given below the content of the log4j properties file which I kept in classpath.

15 years ago
Hi Misha,
Thanks for replying. We migrated form Tomcat 4.1.2 to Tomcat 5.5. I actually checked the link you gave but unfortunately our setup don't have this files in the /common/classes directory. I use log4j for all of my applications. I am wondering why by default tomcat 5.5 is running in debug log mode enabled but not tomcat 4.1.2? Is there any way I can force to change this to Info logging mode.
15 years ago
Is there someone who can help on this issue. Any help will be very much appreciated.
15 years ago
Hi All,
We recently migrated to Tomcat 5.5.26 We are using java 1.5. After migration I could see our tomcat_out.log file is filled with to many internal tomcat debug lines. Tomcat is filling too many things in the log file. None of our application specific logs are logged. All the application that we use are using log4j and even those files are not created. Could someone please help in stopping tomcat logging internal stuff in to tomcat_out.log. Tomcat is running in solaris box.

Below are the sample lines from the log file.

Any help on this is very much appreciated.
15 years ago
Hi All,

We are migrating our application from Tomcat 4.1.2 to Tomcat 5.5. Our application mainly consists of servlets and jsp. After migrating to tomcat 5.5
we are facing a strange issue. In our application we are using request dispatcher to forward to various jsp resources as shown below.

this was working perfectly fine when we were using tomcat 4.1.2 now in tomcat 5.5 we are getting 404 error as the container is looking for the jsp
relative to the servlet path.

I cannot changes the code to correct the path as there are more than 250 occurance which will be a huge effort. I tried writing a servlet filter
to catch the request and do something but the request dispatcher forward is not caught by the filter as this is happening in the server.

I would appreciate if someone could please tell me an easy way to solve this issue without making changes to the existing code.
15 years ago
Hi Nina,
Try setting the cell style after setting formula as below.

Hi Pradeeep,
Normally if the insert or update fails you will get a SQL Exception which you can catch and hadle it appropriately. If everything goes fine and still the row was not update you will get a return value of "0" for the method.

Please check the java documentation for more details.
Hi Manchikanti,
If the users are going to use a download acclerator tool they can always resume the download if it failed. For example sun provides a download manager to facilitate the easy download process.
16 years ago
Hi Sohane,
You can use Apache POI API to read MS word doc and extract pictures. The sample code below can help you. Refer POI documentaion fore more help.

This is a pseudo code so please try and see if this is working.

Hope this helps.
16 years ago
Hi Sudha,
Is the war file and the image file are in the same directory? If yes and if you are able to access the war file you should be able to access the image file as well.
16 years ago