Vicky Jain

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since Aug 02, 2003
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I'm also trying to prepare for the Weblogic Developer Certification: Portal Solutions.

Please suggest some books and other material available to prepare for the exam.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I'm also preparing for the Weblogic Developer Certification: Portal Solutions.

Can anyone suggest the books and other material available to prepare for the exam.

Hi All,

Could anyone suggest the books available on Web Application Security for J2EE appliactions.

Please respond.
Hi All,

I'm very new to Hibernate. What's all the fuss about the Hibernate is going on? Is it a persistence layer between your application and database or something else :-(

To me it seems to be like a persistence layer between J2EE apps and databases that holds Java Object mappings to databases.

Also can it be considered as a replacement of EJBs ??

Hi All,

Can anybody from you please let me know that from where can I find HF Servlets & JSP book in India at NCR Region (NOIDA or DELHI).
I'm planning to prepare for this paper asap.

Hi Manny,

What I found giving SCJP1.4 exam that its more close to the K&B's sample tests that are delivered with the book.

Also difficulty level is almost same as the Marcus Green's mocks.

So you should atleast do these two mock exams before going for the D'Day.

Good Luck...!!

Hello Guys,

I'm planning to prepare for the SCWCD 1.4 exam. Can anybody tell me about the books that are available for this certification.


Thats really the fantastic score!!
20 years ago
Hi Tina,

Thanks for your suggestion.

Yups, this company is fine & I have been allotted a good project with a big client in picture. But the main thing is that this company has almost no internal job rotation policy and I don�t want to be type casted with some kind of work.

That�s why; I may plan to leave the company before 2yrs.

I have talked to couple of guys from other projects. They have already signed this contract and they told me that such kinds of contracts are one-sided bonds & they are not legal. At the same time, they are saying that you wont get any releaving if you left the company before the completion of bond period.

The only thing I'm worried abt is releaving....
20 years ago

Could you specify what country/locality this agreement would be in effect for?

Thanks for pointing it out.
W.r.t previous post, I am working with a company at New Delhi, India.
I was just forgot to add that too.

20 years ago
Hi All,

As the part of MCA-curriculum, I was working with a company from last six months as non-stipend trainee. Now they are asking me to sign a 2yrs bond (including this training period), for being considered as the employee of the company.

Are these kinds of bonds legal?
I'm still in doubt, whether to fill it or not, coz I won't be getting any releaving if I leave the company before 2 yrs.

Please help me deciding what to do. Any suggestions on this are Welcomed!!

20 years ago
Hi Vicken,

Now i got it and thanks for correcting me man!!

Bartenders may please close this topic.!

Hi neeta,

What Java Specification says that every thrown exception need to be handled using try-catch block.

So, if the main() method itself throws an exception then who's is going to handle that?

I think JVM is responsible for handling that kind of exceptions by printing the stack trace to console.


Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE); // This will return -2147483648

I think this is only case where the abs() method returns the negative value.
Hi Ashadonis,

The inner class is considered like any other member of the class. So public, private & static are the valid modifiers for the inner class.
