VIJAY Yadlapati

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since Aug 04, 2003
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Recent posts by VIJAY Yadlapati

Try setting the classpath
15 years ago
Try setting the classpath, not in build path
15 years ago
Have the below tag in the JNLP and give a try.
<j2se version="1.5" href=""/>
16 years ago
Then try registering a WindowListener object for all other windows/frames and in windowActivated() method of that class, close the two dialog boxes.
19 years ago
I am assuming that you are having a servlet deployed on Tomcat that reads the file data.

From Swing application, you have to open a URL Connection to that servlet and write the HTTP Post Request to that stream.
19 years ago
Use JDialog rather than JFrame, and no need to implement FocusListener.
Here is a small example..
21 years ago
To make a column invisible, just delete that column from JTable - this would delete the column from VIEW not from the MODEL.
You can add/delete a column to the table as and when needed without affecting the Model.
21 years ago
Check UIDefaults for InternalFrame.
21 years ago
You can change the height of a row programatically using setRowHeight(). I think you have to implement drag-drop for your requirement.
21 years ago
It is the problem with the renderer. What is the value you are setting in setText()?
I am facing a problem with Combobox renderer - even though I explicitly (programatically) set the selectedindex to -1 or selecteditem to null, combobox is displaying some value. How about you?
21 years ago
I think you have to set the background color in the TableCellRenderer
21 years ago
I am getting a problem using Renderer for Combobox - even though I explicitly set the selectedIndex to -1 or selectedItem to null, it is still displaying some item in the list.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
VIJAY Yadlapati
21 years ago
21 years ago
For this, you should have 2 TableModels - The originalTableModel and the transposeTableModel.
In transposeTableModel, you have to refer the originalTableModel in the logic for transpose in methods you implement.
21 years ago
21 years ago