To make a column invisible, just delete that column from JTable - this would delete the column from VIEW not from the MODEL. You can add/delete a column to the table as and when needed without affecting the Model.
It is the problem with the renderer. What is the value you are setting in setText()? I am facing a problem with Combobox renderer - even though I explicitly (programatically) set the selectedindex to -1 or selecteditem to null, combobox is displaying some value. How about you?
Hi, I am getting a problem using Renderer for Combobox - even though I explicitly set the selectedIndex to -1 or selectedItem to null, it is still displaying some item in the list. Please help me. Thanks in advance. VIJAY Yadlapati
For this, you should have 2 TableModels - The originalTableModel and the transposeTableModel. In transposeTableModel, you have to refer the originalTableModel in the logic for transpose in methods you implement.