a young

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since Aug 05, 2003
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Recent posts by a young

I had the same question earlier today when looking at some decompiled code. This URL helped me out: http://www.javaspecialists.co.za/archive/Issue062.html
21 years ago
well since this is the beginner forum I'm gonna assume the answer is easy:
instead of doing this:
UUID yourUUID = new UUID();
do this:
UUID yourUUID = new UUID("Some String goes here");
21 years ago
Well w/o any code its kinda hard to say. With that said, have you checked to see that the vector size EVER decreases? Perhaps you're not starting the thread?
21 years ago
Could you post some code snipets or something? Your requests still have me confused.
21 years ago
Well I'm still not sure about a few things but I wrote up some sample code that may help:

This code assumes you're using JTextBox and JComboBox to get the information. I left the date out because I wasn't sure how you were retrieving it.
21 years ago
Could you elaborate a bit? It looks like you just want to convert a few strings to a single string in a certain format. Is that correct?
21 years ago
I agree with that. I think JSP files should have little actual code. I try to stick with JSP files calling servlets and beans only.
21 years ago
To be able to send an object to any type of stream the object must be serialized. Serializing an object pretty much packs it up so that it can be used again elsewhere. One example would be you can save a serialized object that contains settings to a file when your program exits and next time you run your program you could load the object and have the same settings over again.
21 years ago
JSP is used when you have a lot of HTML to output. Doing that w/ servlets would be a real pain using out.write(). There's nothing that JSP can do that servlets can't. You might what to check out this other thread on the topic:
21 years ago