Mike Drozz

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since Aug 09, 2003
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the other problem i'm having is this:
I've created a Gui and an actionListener class; when I press the add button, the values are stored in temp variables. That's it.
What i'm TRYING to implement is to link that ActionListener class with the subclass of the abstract class (as detailed above), send the information aquired in the actionlistener class to that subclass, and create an object with those values and store them in an ArrayList.
It's a bit complicated, so that's why i need a little help

here's the ActionListener class:
21 years ago
I'm getting an "invalid method delaration: return type required" error message in the constructor when trying to compile a sub-class of an abstract class.
Here is the code for the abstract class:

and here is the code for its subclass:

21 years ago
yea i changed that already, got any suggestions on how i can make this work?
21 years ago
how would I access the text from a textfield in a gui class at the click on a button and send that info into my actionlistener class?
The current error i get is "salary has private access in java.awt.Component"
This is the actionlistener class (not complete yet)

This is PART of the Gui class, and the tabbed pane where the JTextField reside. (only the parts that count)

[ September 02, 2003: Message edited by: Mike Drozz ]
21 years ago
This is what I want:
when i click on one of the radio buttons (in the west panel), i want the center panel to display one of 3 cards. problem is, i can't seem to pull it off!
here's the code for that particular tab and the action listener method for it:

thanks in advance!
21 years ago
ahhhh it's cool, i found the problem. Thanks for your help, mate!
21 years ago
i think i get you, this is what i changed it to:

i get an error message saying:
21 years ago
i didnt print the whole code, but here it is anyways:

and i still get the same error as above. Thanks in advance.
[ August 09, 2003: Message edited by: Mike Dr ]
21 years ago
I want to pass an ArrayList into a method and print all the info in the arraylist. here's my code so far:

i receive the following error:

thanks in advance, peoples
21 years ago