Roseanne Zhang

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since Nov 14, 2000
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Recent posts by Roseanne Zhang

I am not using rails in my current development.
15 years ago
Software Engineer Java/J2ME

Please Send your resume/CV and cover-letter to [email protected]

About the Job
We are seeking a seasoned developer to participate in our exciting product development process.​ You will develop and help deploy exciting new applications, most of which will be brought to market in a manner so unique that you will be surprised by its ingenuity.​ This role is for those who thrive in startup environment and enjoy the latitude to use their creativity in the product development process and have fun at the same time.​ Your challenge will be to deliver milestone after milestone in a short time-frame while stitching together many innovative patent pending concepts into a robust product architecture.​ Apart from developing the Java applications/​UI/​API for our products, you will be working with our chip design and manufacturing partners in realizing one-of-a-kind products.​


Successful candidates will have:
– 5-10 years of experience in developing Java/​J2ME applications for mobile/​wireless handsets
– Experience working in rapidly growing startup company (ideally in semiconductor systems, wireless, smart card, RFID or security space)
– Demonstrated ability to follow a robust and error-free development and test methodologies
– Strong understanding in underlying hardware components and architectures

Key job functions

- Develop mobile UI and interfaces with peripherals.​
- Architect and implement mobile API

- Spear-head and contribute to software definitions.​

- Design and implement system emulation.​

- Debug, build test performs and quality control processes.​

Candidates with recommendations from managers and reports receive priority.​ We prefer local Dallas area candidates.​ Compensation will be competitive with 401k, health benefits and potential performance bonus.​ As key member of the engineering team, expect stock option incentives that will have a significant upside.​


– 3+​ year of mobile development experience for JavaME /​ J2ME and
familiar with JSRs for mobile.​

– Have hands on experience doing mobile development for Symbian,
BlackBerry and/​or Android.​

– Must come in knowing how to develop in Mobile OS's and must be
willing to learn the additional ones if you don't already possess the


– RTOS: Symbian, Blackberry OS,Windows Mobile, iPhone, Linux, Palm OS,

– Excellent written and verbal communication skills

– Knowledge of Smart Card, security chip operating systems,
applications and encryption technologies

– Experience in developing Java Card Technology.​

– Experience in Mobile App Deployment in App stores.​


– Knowledge of Smart Card, security chip operating systems,
applications and encryption technologies

– Experience in developing Java Card Technology.​

– Experience in Mobile App Deployment in App stores.​
Company Description

Well-funded startup, building a first-of-the-kind, patent-pending, product for new applications in mobile payments, broadband access and mobile-TV.​ We are well funded by investors from financial services, retail and entertainment industries.​ Our product has gathered strong demand from our prospective customers and we expect to grow exponentially in the coming years to become the leading player in a very highly sought after market
15 years ago
I don't think you should store user's password.

User password should be one way encrypted by MD5 or other hash algorithm.

When user login, you hash the password to compare with the stored password hash in the database.

This is security ABC.
16 years ago
Why don't you use DOM Document directly?
I guess it is possible.

Q. How to ask an XSLT question?
The easiest way to get answer real quick is post the original xml source, then post what you want to get the xml/html result. Of course, make it simple, and illustrate the point you want to solve only. Then your own approach which does not work as you desired. Many brain exercisers will solve your problem quickly. The answer will help others too.

* Do not throw the entire document here
* Do your own homework!
* Simplify the part you have problem with. Abstraction is a basic skill for programmers.
* Make both source and result well-formed XML.
* During this process, you might solve your own problem.
* If not, post a good question on a public forum.

Copied from
I believe Veronica Damian is asking how to match 2 different elements by using the same template.

I think the or operator is "|".

The same code for identity template:
Please tell your friends and coworkers!
17 years ago
Here is a simple example of the "NOT so easy way", take a look:

Wndows system use "\\" and Unix uses "/"

You can use slash '/' in windows. Microsoft allows it, and Java definitely knows how to handle it.

If you don't believe me, go to your computer properties, change the Path environment variable value to all use '/'. Everything will be OK.

If you have old-old windows, or in the cmd(dos) window, then '/' will not work.
17 years ago
There is a standard way to parse command line options.

Don't write your own code!

Google search getOptions(), you will find many in many different languages.

Years ago, I translated one in C to Java, then later found one in Java already.
17 years ago
For a simple TextField, using KeyListener might be a little easier.

Of course, it depends how complicated your validation requires.
17 years ago

Originally posted by shalini gnana:

If i use it..I doesn't make any difference?How can i use that library functions in my IDE?

Put jfreechart.jar in your classpath.

Check your IDE classpath/buildpath options.
17 years ago
You should use the mediator design pattern to coordinate all the Observers and Observables. In this way, they don't need to talk with each other, the publishers publish the message to the mediator. The subscribers subscribe the message they are interested.

Read GoF book for concepts and examples...

17 years ago

Originally posted by shalini gnana:
If then can please show me some sample program..

Easy, take a look at source code of jFreeChart. It is a tool, and also it can be used as a teacher too.

jFreeChart is open source, do you know what does that mean?
17 years ago