Sagarika nair

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since Aug 13, 2003
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Recent posts by Sagarika nair

Hi Derek!
Well done.That's an amazing score.
21 years ago
Hello friends!
I was surprised to see this forum on Javaranch.It was by chance that I saw it.I just gave my SCJP1.4 exam and cleared with a good score.Now I am planning to take my Oracle cert exams.I wish to go about doing the OCP cert (Forms Developer).I understand that by taking the SQL and program in PL/SQL I can become and OCA and then after one more exam Forms Developer exam u get the OCP title.I hope I am right in my comprehension.If not please correct me.I plan on doing all this thro' self study.
If anybody could guide me on some good cert books for the above task or any applicable advice,it would be amazing.I hope I can do it with just self study.Also what I need to download and any other free download material etc.In short I just need to get started in some way.Please help friends.
Waiting for your replies.
21 years ago
Hi Venkatesh!
I think this link might be useful in your exam preparation.
Maha Anna's web page
Hi friends!!!
Sorry for posting this question in this forum ,but I trust this site too much I guess for any technical replies.So if any of you have any idea about any similar discussion forums available for Oracle certification (Forms developer)exams,please let me know the links.I'm sure there is someone out here who has done their Oracle cert too.If not just ignore me.
Thanks in advance.
Hi friend!
Don't worry about the scores.Try to use the mock exam as a learning tool and learn more from your mistakes.Dan's exams are really good.He covers some stuff that are not asked in the exam but your java concepts become clear after taking his exam(all 27) and I'm sure if you score above 90% in marcus Green's exam ,you sure can score the same in the real exam.The difficulty level is almost the sam.But none of the Thread and Garbage collection questions in the exam match any of the mock exams.So try to do more questions and practice more on your own in these 2 topics.All the very best.All the exams can be found in this site(including Dan's and Marcus')
And Sun's epractice exams are supposed to be good but I would recommend not to spend so much money on that unless you really want to.There are others in this site who have scored 100% without spending that extra money.But do as many mock exams as possible and it will definitely help.Good luck.I hope that helps.
Hi Antonio!!!
Kathy Sierra book is really good.It is easier to follow compared to Khalid.But there are more in depth coverage in Khalid.But I'm sure doing Kathy Sierra and posting your doubts in javaranch and practicing a lot of mock exams should help you for the exam enough.Also about the good mock exams ,Dan's and Marcus Green's exams are real good.You can find a variety of other exams in the site
All the very best.You can do it!
Hi Harwinder!
You r right .There weren't any extraordinary shift op questions.But you know it's a nice feeling to go into the exam hall knowing that you haven't missed any topic.That way knowing Shift operators was extremely helpful and also just for the sake of information also it is good to know better about a weak topic right?So that's where u have helped in a great way.
Good luck,
21 years ago
Well done Lakshmi!!!U did real great!Keep it up buddy!
21 years ago
Sorry for the delay in replying.Was caught up with flu.May be after seeing the exam marks.Just kidding.
Thank you Harwinder,Lakshmi,Vivek Nidhi,Mohit and Vishy for the congratulations and for the encouraging words.May be you are right.And Vivek Nidhi is it really true about the passion that Mallus have for java and C?But in my case I guess it is true.Ya you guys are right we are all Sun certified programmers now.So that itself is a great feeling.Thanks again guys.
All the very best to all of u too.
21 years ago
Hi Mohit!!
That's an awesome score.I wish I were also close to that score.I missed a few in Threads and GC.But this site is incredible and the members are amazing for helping each other solve and learn java together.
Congrats once again Mohit.
21 years ago
Congrats Harwinder.You were extremely helpful especially the shift operations I couldn't have understood better if not for the explanations from the ranchers.U really deserve the score!
21 years ago
Hello javaranchers!
Gave my exam today and feeling ok about the score(85%).I had hoped for a score above 90%, but then some Garbage collection questions trapped me.
I would like to thank all the javaranch members for helping me by answering all my questions and I just couldn't have scored even this without this site.Obviously the K&B book was awesome.And Dan's exams were really good.
I wish I had practiced more mock exams.I wasn't able to practice all 27 of Dan's exams coz I had set a date for the exam and didn't have the patience to wait more.But thanks to you all friends!U were really amazing in your responses to questions.Keep it up!I would give full credit to this site for my score.
What I have learnt from my experience in the exam is that practice a lot of Mock exams and try to modify and write your own code in all possible ways for understanding a topic better.Thank you all once again.
21 years ago
That was cool!It never struck me.I was having the recursion issues and was confused.I guess my brain also underwent some recursion and froze for sometime.Thank you Ortimus.That was indeed what I was trying to do.

From the static context of class Z, the instance fields and methods of the enclosing class B can be accessed only if the simple name of the instance field or method is qualified with a reference to a specific instance of class B. Suppose a reference variable r1 refers to an instance of the enclosing class B. Then the instance member s2 of the enclosing class instance referenced by r1 could be accessed using the expression r1.s2.
My question is :in the above problem where exactly can u create and instance of class B and use that reference to the instance to print the value of instance variable s2 in line 1?
If this is too silly a question please excuse me.