Sainudheen Mydeen

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since Aug 18, 2003
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Recent posts by Sainudheen Mydeen

Originally posted by qadir sabri:
BMP is not in the syllabus of SCBCD
does your book covers BMP

Qadir Sabri

You may join the discussion here:-

Originally posted by viswanadh kasinadhuni:
why not just use session beans and use sql and rdbms avoid entity beans completely. Lets wait and see what SUN says about this.

When working with large volume of data, which one is easy to implement and provides better performancea? EntityBean OR JDBC?
Under Programming restrictions, EJB 2.0 spec says
The enterprise bean must not attempt to define a class in a package
I am unable to understand what is being said. Can somebody explain me?
I read in this forum that there were many beta test takers who had problems with Drag & Drop questions during the exam (mouse did not move etc). Any non-beta test takers came across the same problem? With an average of 7-10 questions, existence of this problem will make a big difference. I hope this problem is been fixed by now.
How many (average) Drag & Drop qusetions being asked in the exam? Any idea?
Thanks Pradeep. That is a good link.
Hi All
Can I extend one bean class (for example SLSB) in another SLSB, add additional functionality and use it? Is that allowed?
Check this thread. Kethy already gave an idea about this.
[ October 29, 2003: Message edited by: Sainudheen Mydeen ]
I read ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, setEntityContext etc are known as callback methods. Are they not life-cycle methods? OR they are so called based on the context?
Thanks Andrew.
Thanks Andrew.
In the above context, can you tell me which one of the following option is correct?
a) The client is not able to send messages since the RuntimeException
causes the EJB container to crash.
b) The client looses the JMS connection.
c) The client does not notice anything; the EJB container passes messages
from the JMS server to a different bean instance.
d) The client is not able to send messages since the bean instance is in
the "Does not exist" state.
e) The client receives a special RuntimeException message that acknowledges
that the exception happened.
But.. when I go through the Buy at Store link of the same link, I could not see a message like "out of stock"
Hi K & B
Is the coverage of EJB-QL in your book is good enough for real-time applications? Or it covers only SCBCD point of view?
Check this thread.
Kathy said

Actually, the patterns and performance chapter did *not* make it into the book because the book got too large (it is already 100 pages longer than expected),
