Stephanie Leigh Long

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since Aug 24, 2003
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Well, I have a job interview on Wednesday for a Jr. Java Programmer job. I found out on Friday so I've been really studying and practicing this weekend. I have a list of questions that I made up myself. If anyone can think of anything they might like to add please do so.
1. Write a basic sort routine that sorts an array of ints in numerical order.
2. Write a basic SQL SElECT statement that selects a student from a table by their student number. (just in case they ask)
3. What is Polymorphism?
4. What is Inheritance?
5. What is Data Encapsulation?
6. What is Object Oriented Programming?
7. Why do you like Java?
8. What is an Object?
9. What is garbage collection in Java?
10. Does Java Have multiple inheritance?
11. Please explain your class hierarchy in a sample project you have done.
12. What is an interface?
13. What is an abstract class?
14. What is the difference between an abstract class and in Interface?
15. How would you make an array of 10 primitive ints in Java with an initial value of 0?
16. How would you make a class that cannot be extended?
17. Explain Client/Server architecture.
18. What are the primitive types in Java.
19. Why would you make a method final?
20. Is Java an interpreted language?
21. What is the Java JVM?
22. What does the keyword "private" mean?
23. What is finalize?
24. What are threads?
25. What is the purpose of "instanceof"?
26. What is static?
27. Ok I copied this following one from another thread:
String s1 = new String("foo");
String s2 = new String("foo");
What is the difference?
28. What is the SDLC? Explain each stage of the SDLC. (Just in case)
29. Order of Precedence in Java
30. How are Java source code files named?
31. Explain the following: static, final, abstract and Interface.
32. What are local variables? What are instance variables?
33. What do this() and super () do?
34. Overidding vs. Overloading
35. What are the states of Threads.
36. What is the difference between x++ and ++x
37. What is the modulo operator?
38. What are legal modifiers for a top level class?
39. Write code that puts 2 buttons on a panel, and make them print something to the screen when you click them.
40. Create a sort routine that sorts an array of numbers.
21 years ago