Vad Fogel

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since Aug 25, 2003
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Recent posts by Vad Fogel

Originally posted by Dirk Schreckmann:
Note all, please create new threads when asking a question. This thread is just to say hello and welcome.

Thanks for your answer, Sathya!
should I move my question into a new thread to qualify?
As far as the simulator software goes, are there separate questions on CLDC 1.0 and CLDC 1.1 specs or are they mixed altogether?
I have the following Basic authentication definition in web.xml:

On my .jsp page, I have a select control that resubmits the form to itself on change event: onchange='document.myForm.submit();'
This works fine on the server, but remotely, I'm getting a general (not Tomcat) "Page not found" error on change. If I change the authentication method to FORM, the issue disappears. Please give me some ideas regarding that.
20 years ago
Well, it looks like nobody has ever configured JDBCRealm with MS SQL Server... Maybe, there're some useful links on that somewhere?
20 years ago
Does anybody know how to implement JDBCRealm in Tomcat with a SQL Server database? I have the following entries in my server.xml file, but they don't work:

The driver is installed, the SQL Server is fine. Please tell me what's wrong or missing here.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Sriram Chintapalli:
hi all where or when in the following code is the object created when Animal(10) is called:
public class Animal
public Animal()
protected Animal(int legs)

A new object is created by the time all the constructors calls of its class are resolved, i.e. right after the call to this(); returns.
Jim, I used something rather simple for my test:

The average performance for Iterator in ms was about 140, whereas for Enumeration it was 110. Now, if you've noticed, the iterator comes first, which means it can (and will) enjoy the fresh memory resources, and that should screw up the Enumeration performance a bit (GC may not run always).
When you swap the blocks, the performance difference stands out more distinctly: 80 ms for enumeration and 180 ms for iterator. If tested separately, the blocks yield the following averages: 80 ms for enumeration, 135 ms for iterator.
[ February 16, 2004: Message edited by: Vad Fogel ]
20 years ago
Thanks for your responses, Ernest and Ilja!
Before I asked this question, I'd tried using Iterator and Enumeration to compare their performance on a Vector object containing 100 000 Strings. Enumeration was consistently about 50% faster. I'm using Win XP with SDk 1.4.2.
20 years ago
Is it right that Enumeration on average performs about 50% faster than Iterator for sequential access of the collection elements?
20 years ago
Hi Neal,
In your opinion, will the Struts completely replace the traditional MVC model someday or will they co-exist for awhile?
Upon reading Strut your stuff with JSP tags, I'm under impression that Struts are best suited for more involved and complex applications whereas middle-size applications can get away with Model 2.
20 years ago
Thanks again, that was helpful.
20 years ago
Thanks for your response, Maulin!
You got my point right about security. Now, after some tries, I think, there's no way that I can have an applet in one of the WEB-INF subfolders because otherwise the client browser won't see the .class file and won't be able to cache it. Finally, I got RequestDispatcher to work using codebase attribute of the <applet> tag. Anyhow, the applet and html end up landing in a directory other then a WEB-INF subdirectory, so the thing is not a secure deal. Do you think it's OK security-wise to allow the users to download .class files if they feel like doing it? I haven't seen so far too many decompiling tools (better than javap) that can recover source code from binary. :roll:
20 years ago
Hi all,
I'm trying to call an applet from a servlet using Tomcat 5.0.14. First, I tried to set the response content header to text/html within doGet() to create a page on the fly and reference the applet from there. I put the applet .class file in the same directory as the servlet, but it didn't work. Then, I tried to use RequestDispatcher to locate the applet like this:

My applet was in the same directory as sample.html which references it. And still it didn't work saying "Applet not inited".
Finally, I got it to work using response.sendRedirect() method, but it's not what I want to do because this way I have to store my applet class in a visible directory other than WEB-INF.
Are there any tricks about deploying applets that I'm missing big time?
Any help is highly appreciated.
20 years ago
Is this the wrong forum to ask questions on LDAP or is it just that nobody has expertise in it?