George Hill

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since Aug 26, 2003
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Hi, all
I passed the SCJP 1.4 this sunday. 75% is not a very good score. Because I am a chinese, my English is not very good. So i can't understand some words when I doing the exam.
Next time I want to pass the SCJD. So I think the first thing is increasing my English level.
Thanks the Java Ranch.
19 years ago
hi, all
I get a problem when i use html:link.
Think about this tag:
<html:link page="/" paramName="name" paramProperty="property" paramId="id">Link</html:link>.
If the "name" bean's property is a chinese string. how can i get the right string in the action? I try to use new String(request.getParameter("id").getBytes("ISO8859-1")), but it doesn't work.
Any answer? Thanks a lot!
20 years ago
thank you very much!
20 years ago
The session can implement by URL rewrite and Cookie.I found the IE 6.0 has a big bug about it's cookie. It make me check session fail.But IE 5.0 hasn't the problem. So I want to implement session by URL rewrite.But I don't know how to do it. Please help me. Thanks a lot.
20 years ago
getSession(true) will make a new session when no session existed. but getSession() do nothing.
20 years ago
Hi, look the java source.You will get it.
* Gets a calendar with the specified time zone and locale.
* The <code>Calendar</code> returned is based on the current time
* in the given time zone with the given locale.
* @param zone the time zone to use
* @param aLocale the locale for the week data
* @return a Calendar.
public static Calendar getInstance(TimeZone zone,
Locale aLocale)
return createCalendar(zone, aLocale);
private static Calendar createCalendar(TimeZone zone,
Locale aLocale)
if (aLocale.getLanguage().compareTo("th") == 0) {
if (aLocale.getCountry().compareTo("TH") == 0) {
return new sun.util.BuddhistCalendar(zone, aLocale);
// else create the default calendar
return new GregorianCalendar(zone, aLocale);