Le Minh-Triet

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since Aug 27, 2003
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Recent posts by Le Minh-Triet

Hi ranchers,

I am so happy to receive the email and the success kit at the same time today.
Thank you all ranchers for all the useful informations on this site that help me a lot for my preparation.

Here is my story timeline :
- 31th July : decide to pass the exam
- 10th september : Part I cleared with 65%
- 12h september : Part II downloaded. My subject is Gemstone International and the author is Sheil himself .
- 28th sept. : Part II uploaded.
- 29th sept. : Part III cleared.

=> 14th oct : received email and success kit. It is mentioned that my project was validated at 4th oct. It means Oracle gets really fast to evaluate the project, in about only 48h.

Materials used :
- SCEA links sections and the subforum SCEA
- Whizlabs Part I : done 1 test, 2 preparation mock exams. It does help me to get familiar with the question type. I haven't done other mock tests because it was so boring, because I don't feel to learn anymore from the mocks !
- EzPractive Part 2 & 3 : the architecture presentations in the 5 mocks does not convinced me, too much diagrams and detailed for a so called architecture. My every job now is in fact building a ECM architecture, a presentation suggested in the ezpratice mock will have a hard time to go through the architect comitee. I would suggest to follow the strategy of Cade & Sheil explained in the chapter 9.
- Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide, Cade & Sheil, 2010 : read thoroughly every single chapter twice or more
- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0, Burke & Monson-Haefel, 5th ed., 2008 : read only once but I love the writing style in this book, it is so captivating
- UML Distilled, Fowler, 2nd ed : over fly once, good but not so useful. I love Fowler writing materials on refactoring but this book is no so of my taste.
- Design pattern explained, Shalloway : really good, captivating style and very useful for my everyday job of architecture design ;-)

How to get a really good price vouchers :
Go for Whizlabs, they have everything you need. The voucher is valid for every exam.
They don't say explicitly part 2 exam voucher but I took the part 3 voucher to register for the part 2 and it works.

A final though:


LE Minh Triet
12 years ago

Thanks for the links.
I've took a look through and it seems useful as revision materials just before the part 1 exam.


I have bought it last week. The voucher is only valid until october 30th 2011 but I don't really mind.
It is still a very good deal compared to 232 euros of the full priced voucher.

The voucher is delivered in my mailbox under 24h as promised as well as the activation of the mock tests.