Bimal Patel

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since Aug 29, 2003
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To Cameron --> Well, we've reached to a point where a lot of effort has to be made for such code change. The problem is, nobody had a clear picture of the environment. This was realized when we've started deploying code in clustered environment. We're still not sure that whether the production environment will have session replication on or not. But we don't want to take any chances and want to do whatever is necessary before reaching to that point.

To Tim --> I completely agree with you. Non-serialized classes available in any library must not be used in session, if the deployment env. is clustered. As I mentioned earlier, we only have HtmlDataTableEx objects referenced by UIData, inside managed bean. Developers are using this as it is easier to manage a data table when it is bound with an object in the managed bean.

HtmlDataTableEx is ultimately extending UIComponent available in base JSF impl. and according to this technote, the base JSF impl. which has serialized components would be considered once that context param is set to true. Make sense but doesn't work in my case. I wanted to know if someone has already tried this and got the expected result. If there is no such solution available, then there is only one way left, the hard way!
15 years ago

We have IBM WebSphere Portal Server running in a clustered environment with session replication on. Lets name it as Env-A. Now, the developers used JSF components in their session scoped managed beans. These components are mostly binding components for HtmlDataTableEx (IBM-JSF impl of HtmlDataTable). Lets call such managed bean as MB-1. When the code is deployed on Env-A, and when user logs in; browsing to a page which is linked to MB-1, it throws, at the time when it tries to replicate the same session onto other server on the cluster, as HtmlDataTableEx is not serialized.

I found one technote to deal with this. I've used solution formula as directed, but even that is not effective, as I still get the same exception. As IBM's implementation uses such base impl, the problem will be resolved if I am able to find a base JSF imp. with serialized base components. Any suggestion/help would be highly appreciated? Have I explained necessarily?
15 years ago
Hey Ankit,

What exactly you mean by drag and drop feature? Do you mean to have portlet instances on one area of a portal page and you want to drag a portlet from that area to some other area? Or you have a bucket which may contain list of portlet instances and you want to provide an ability to the user to drag and drop a portlet instance from such bucket? Could you elaborate more on this?
15 years ago
Hi Rohan,

Try going through JSR-168 spec, JSR-168 API doc and IBM WebSphere Portal InfoCenter where you can find documentation about how to develop standard(JSR-168) portlets. IBM Redbooks are also an excellent source. Also, you can search in IBM DeveloperWorks.
15 years ago
Hi Juwonlo Ibigbami,

The best resource for portlet development (JSR-168) would be to go through the JSR-168 spec and JSR-168 API doc. If you want to learn specific to a portal server, e.g. WebSphere Portal, you can go through the WebSphere Portal InfoCenter or for Liferay, I believe some documentation should be available on their website. Try googling all these terms and you'll get a lot of material.
15 years ago
Hi Gorka,

I have few questions with regards to your problem. 1. How could you set portlet preferences in a file other than portlet.xml? 2. Why would you like to get it read from other xml file?

Coming back to your problem, as far as the portlet standards (JSR-168) goes, you have to specify all portlet related configuration in portlet.xml file only, including portlet preferences.
15 years ago

My requirement is to use a specific class type when the value is one in an integer value range or of the set of values. I tried finding out if discriminator-value allows to have an integer range or list of values but haven't got any success in it. Here is my hbm.xml mapping file:

<discriminator column="<db_column_name>" type="integer" />

<subclass name="somepackage.someclassA" discriminator-value="1">

<subclass name="somepackage.someclassB" discriminator-value="2-8">

<subclass name="somepackage.someclassC" discriminator-value="9,10">

Last two classes should be interpreted as either or. I felt that the solution is available but I don't exactly know how to implement it. Here is the link to the "solution" Any help is appreciated.
How huge such properties file data would be? How about using JDBC lookup and caching data into server session at the start of App. server?
17 years ago

I want to complete SCDJWS as fast as I can. But I don't have much idea that how much time do I need to devote. I want to complete it within 2 months. Will I be able to do it? I've heard that this exam requires a lot of study. Can someone please guide?
Thanks Bob,

I agree with you. For me, if I don't go for that right now, may be it is late in future. If demand is generated for the newer version, I am sure that Sun may come up with the upgrade examination for fewer $$.

Once again, thanks for your comments.

This is a good information for me as I was looking forward to clear this exam in near future. I haven't purchased the exam voucher yet. Should I wait for the new version or it doesn't really matter?

I hope I've explained my problem .
I've got the solution . In server.xml, specify tomcatAuthentication="false" in the Connector configuration. Which apparently solved the problem.
17 years ago

I am trying to configure Apache Web Server with LDAP support in front of Tomcat 5.0. More specifically, I have LDAP configuration in Apache web server and I am using Tomcat for J2EE container. My LDAP configuration works fine with Apache and it does authenticate. Now, how can I get username in my application which is running under Tomcat? Any help would be highly appreciated.
17 years ago
Thanks for the response. I have the similer thoughts. What about the reverse case? I mean to say, compiled with the old lib jar and running with the new lib jar? I think same problem may occur in terms of if the behaviour of a method is changed. I don't know why but I feel that at both the times, one should always have the same versions of the lib jar.
18 years ago
If I compile a set of java class files with some library jar and while running it, I specify new library jar i.e. newer version of the library jar, will that affect? I think yes but not always. Comments?
18 years ago