Daniel Gee

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since Aug 29, 2003
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Recent posts by Daniel Gee

The operating system in my PC is the MS Windows.

I use JSF and the Spring MVC framework.

How do I prompt the usual Windows dialog box, the box we have seen all the time, into the browser asking "Do you want to open or save this file?" with three buttons: Open, Save, and Cancel?

I am undertaking this task: users select "Generate MS Word Document" from a menu, which first invokes a method to retrieve requested information from the database and then uses some utility classes to format the information into a MS Word document. Thereafter, I prompt a dialog box into the browser asking users where in their local directory tree (i.e. the C: drive) the document is to be saved.

Thanks for advices.
18 years ago
I had a Japanese classmate who once had a summer job at a public bath in Japan. At that time, he must clean the baths after each closing of business days. He told me that it took more effort to clean women's baths because of their oily skin. I hope that it is the answer.
18 years ago
In my mind, the Boston area is the second to the Silicon Valley; however, some people say that it is the Texas area. Maybe there are things in the Texas area I have overlooked.
18 years ago
Thanks a lot for your explanation. Things are working now.
18 years ago
Thanks for overwhelming responses. I think that I am able to do some editing on my own now.
18 years ago
Please help if you could.
18 years ago
Thanks a lot. It worked very well.
18 years ago
I am trying not to code any text in my JSP. For example, I have the text 'Maintain Events' stored in a .properties file. And I can retrieve that text using:

Now, I am using a custom tag called 'trail'. If I hard code the text 'Maintain Event' in that custom tag, I can do:

How do I modify the tag specification to retrieve 'Maintain Events' from the .properites file? Thanks.

[ May 12, 2006: Message edited by: Daniel Gee ]
[ May 12, 2006: Message edited by: Daniel Gee ]
18 years ago
I have a taglib that has been compiled into Java classes; i.e., no source code.

Where do I find a tool to reverse engineer those Java classes back to Java code?

Thanks in advance.
18 years ago
I am not familiar with the Unix. It so happens that I have to edit a file in the Unix.

The file is .kshre and all I have to do are

1. append a string to my path
2. add four lines to the .kshre file

I use the Putty to logon to my account. I think I should type

vi -r

in the command window. And I do not know what to do next. Could anybody guide me? Thanks.
18 years ago
I think the Bear is right in moving this thread to the Tomcat Forum.

I moved the application and the JAR file to the WebSphere, everyting worked without any problem.

Now, the question is how robust the Tomcat is?
18 years ago
I am using the Struts.

I am prepaing URIs so that previous web pages that
users have navigated though can be re-constructed and
displayed to users.

For example, one of the web pages has the below
showing in the address bar:

The 'tf' is my web root when the application is
deployed. How do I specify the URI for this
particular web page? Is it

Thank you very much in advance.
18 years ago
Which file/files do you want me to open with either WinZip or the jar command in the DOS window?

The jar file that I added to the MyApplication/WEB-INF/lib directory can be opened using the WinZip. I right clicked on the jar file, selected the WinZip from the menu, and a zip file for that jar was generated.

The tld file that I added to the MyApplication/WEB-INF directory can be read using a NotePad.

[ May 10, 2006: Message edited by: Daniel Gee ]
18 years ago
Would anybody kindly care about helping?
18 years ago