Hemal Mehta

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since Nov 16, 2000
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Recent posts by Hemal Mehta

I recd my welcome kit last month after I cleared my SJCP 1.4 exam. It had a form for requesting the logo. It's been three weeks since I sent the form and I haven't yet received my logo. How long does it generally take to receive the logo?
21 years ago
I think you seem to be ready(based on your scores). Just relax and it should be a breeze...
What is the next step after I have cleared my exam. I passed by SJCP 4 yeterday and the examination centre gave me a score sheet. What is the next step? Will Sun send me anything in addition. If so how long does it take ? How about the logo etc which I can put in my resume?
I passed today with 75%. Not a great score,though. However I just studied for two weeks for 2 hours each day and upto 6 hrs on the weekends. In my experience it's a pretty easy exam if you have been working in this area and have done some moderate studying. I mainly used the following and just did 3 mock exams from JQPlus.
a. Dan Chisolm's topic exams. Excellent set of questions which are tougher than the actual exam. In fact the thread questions are really good. If one can go through all the thread questions and understand each one of them thoroughly, I am quite sure that one get 100% on this section in the actual exam. I didn;'t go through all of Dan's exams. I mainly used questons on thread. Had I done so, I am sure my score would have been even higher
b. JQPlus simulator.
This is again little tougher than actual exam but quite clsoe to the actual exam. If one can again practice with all the mock exams and understand these well, I am sure that getting 90% and above would be a breeze.
When I enetered the exam, and started solving the questions, I felt very relaxed as the questions seemed to be easy and I felt familiar with the type of the exams.
I mainly lost out on flow control,exception handling and assertions and couple of questions on threads. Time is quite enough for the exam. I got 7 questions on threads on the exam and I took almost 25 mins to solve these.
Anyways gouys, I would like to thanks Dan Chisolm, Jqplus folks and of cpurse all you java ranchers. This is a real good discussion board to get your doubts cleared.
Ok, here i come SWCD!!!
21 years ago
So does one have to remember all the values for the characters to solve this problem?
This clears it up. I assume it's the same for all other Number wrapper classes.
Float f1=new Float(Float.NAN), f2=new Float(Float.NAN)
Why is f1.equals(f2) true and why is Float.NAN==Float.NAN false?
Dosn't equals(of Float) look at the value of f1 which is Float.NAN and isn't it equivalent to doing
Thanks for answer. I understood the answer for 130. Now I did the following I changed the value to 650 and now
it prints -118.
I cannot quite understand how this logic is working.
Also I modified the code and tried to print this:

When I try to print the value of character it is not printing anything...
[ Jess added UBB [code] tags to preserve whitespace, check 'em out! ]
[ February 08, 2003: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]

It prints'the value of tiny is" -126
Can someone explain why??
[ Jess added UBB [code] tags to preserve whitespace, check 'em out! ]
[ February 08, 2003: Message edited by: Jessica Sant ]
I don't see the anonymous class exteding any class here...
Why doesn't this code compile?
abstract class A {
private int x = 4;
private int y = 2;
public int x() {return x;}
public void x(int x) {this.x = x;}
public int y() {return y;}
public void y(int y) {this.y = y;}
interface B {int math();}
class C {
static class D extends A implements B {
public int math() {return x()+y();}
static A a1 = new A() implements B{
public int math() {return x()+y();}
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print(new C.D().math());
How can anonymous class extend any other class? Can it be done explicitly?
How is ch\u0061r a ='a'; valid?
What is a prcatical example of a nested interface and when can it be used.