Iftikhar Ahmed

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since Sep 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Iftikhar Ahmed

seems to be nice tip from Layi....also
if still no sucess, then check your network settings. Some times things just work fine by only changing your settings to Bypass proxy server for some local address, eg localhost etc..(ofcourse this maske sense, if you are behind some proxy server).
21 years ago
On the Sun website they say:
There is no beaming API within MIDP. However, developers can make MIDlet suites beamable. If a MIDlet suite is beamable you can beam it from one Palm OS device to another, if the receiving device has also installed MIDP for Palm OS.
Here is a URL with some resources, which might help your cause:
21 years ago

Originally posted by Daryl Wilding-McBride:
Two thoughts:
(i) What do you mean by the CDC profile? Do you mean Foundation Profile? Or Personal Profile?
(ii) Have you tried a relative filepath?

thanks Daryl.
(i) I am using Foundation Profile.
(ii) yes i have tried, but it still the same error.
I am using IBM J9(for java runtime) at my pda.
according to my research exec() method makes use of native helper method
to execute any process. Pehaps this is not supported on pocketpc operating system.
Anyway i wanted to hear if anybody ever have been successful in running process on pda with Runtime.exec() ?
or if are there any alternates for this ?
21 years ago
i am not familiar with MIDP(i am working with CDC profile), but I can give you some general idea, perhaps it helps you out.
To give the continue option,You can just save a flag to keep track wether or not the application was normally terminated.
The value for this flag can be saved and loaded in some text file or cookie(if supported) or what ever user personalization mechanism you choose.
21 years ago
I do'nt know what kind of phone set you are using for your experiment. But perhaps SIP might be an interesting option for you.
SIP, the Session Initiation Protocol, is a signaling protocol for Internet conferencing, telephony, presence, events notification and instant messaging.
21 years ago
hi guys,
i have posted this topic on other forums as well, but could
not find any suitable solution, perhaps anybody here knows.
Here goes the problem:
When I run the following code on my iPAQ(pocketpc 2002)
try {
catch(Exception ex){
//catch exception here
I get following Exception : Unable to start program
Does anybody have idea, why the process is not running ?
or are there alternates ?
(i am using CDC profile).
21 years ago
i want to show a URL as hyperlink on the AWT Panel(on a simple frame).
This is something like "About" page for most of the softwares with company URL.
any help is appreciated.
21 years ago