I have two problems that I would greatly appreciate help with. They are both related to setup of my enterprise app in WSAD. I have been migrating the code from WAS 3.5, and I believe I have all the code changes complete.
However, there are two issues I'm having when I try to start the application in the embedded WAS Test environment. Here they are:
1) When it tries to start the EJB's, it fails to find several helper objects which are packaged with my Web app. The EJB's all compile fine b/c I have the web app project included as a required project on the build path. Yet when the EJB's start up, I get several errors like this:
[9/9/03 17:13:52:000 EDT] 41379115 BeanMetaData E CNTR0075E: The user-provided class "<null>" needed by the EnterpriseBean could not be found or loaded.
[9/9/03 17:13:52:016 EDT] 41379115 EJBContainerI E WSVR0209E: Unable to prepare EJB jar GTXEJB.jar [class com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.DeployedModuleImpl], enterprise bean com.ibm.etools.ejb.impl.ContainerManagedEntityImpl(ProfilePromotionMap) (reentrant: false) (version: 2.x, abstractSchemaName: CO_USER_PROMO)
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/bostoncoach/gtx/helperobjects/Promotion
at java.lang.Class.getMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.getMethods(Class.java:782)
at com.ibm.ejs.container.util.DeploymentUtil.getMethods(DeploymentUtil.java:124)
at com.ibm.ejs.container.BeanMetaData.initializeBeanMethods(BeanMetaData.java:1499)
...which indicate to me that it can't find these required classes even though they are packaged in the web app. I am also getting this error, which may or may not be related:
[9/9/03 17:13:51:938 EDT] 41379115 IndirectJndiL W NMSV0701W: An IndirectJNDILookup object was created with an empty name. Lookups using this object will fail.
at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.IndirectJndiLookup.init(IndirectJndiLookup.java:239)
at com.ibm.ws.naming.util.IndirectJndiLookup.<init>(IndirectJndiLookup.java:161)
Thanks very much for any assistance.