karthikeyan Chockalingam

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since Sep 06, 2003
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SkillAssert provides a SaaS platform where you can create exams online or quiz from the questions you have added. Both multiple choice and essay type exams are available. You can schedule and deliver the exam anytime to candidates you wish to evaluate.
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For a demo please visit http://free.skillassert.com/demo.seam
15 years ago
Please post the question in the relevant forum.

Anyways you may look services like Amazon EC2 or www.slicehost.com where you get total control of the instance and install the software/middleware you desire.
15 years ago
You can do it either using ajax submit and rerender the dataTable or submit the whole page and display the page again.
15 years ago
Only way is to explain you need 2 months to join. But you will try your best to join earlier. You need more time depending on the
importance attached your role in the project. When earlier i switched comapnies, I will not accept the offer letters until the joining date is after 2 months from the date of issue.
15 years ago

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.catalina.mbeans.MBeanUtils.createRegistry()Lorg/apache/commons/modeler/Registry;

May be a version mismatch of the jar files.
15 years ago
And also finally will suppress any return in catch block.. For instance the below code will print 5.
To choose one of the two provided it will be architecture pattern.
15 years ago
Congratulations. I too agree that Head First series and other books give a jump start with their unique approach.
15 years ago
You may try the below code

15 years ago

For more details please google (or bing) and refer RichFaces reference documentation (online HTML format as well as a PDF downloadable). The documentation explains how to configure the custom skin (or to develop your own skin) in a JSF application.
15 years ago
From link http://jsfcentral.com/articles/muir-10-08.html

Seam 3 which will be WebBeans based. It will be JPA 2 based and JSF 2 based so that is the big picture here. The next big thing in Seam is going to be really WebBeans
15 years ago
I find many Seam related posts under JBoss forum. Can we have a separate forum for Seam? Thanks.

15 years ago