Aiping Zhou

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since Sep 06, 2003
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I believe company always need good candidate. However, the skill of sale (enough to empress the HR and/or future manager in a short interview) is the key to get you into the door, then, your quality of working and communication makes you stay on top.

Good luck.
15 years ago
Based on what I understanded in US, it is a Tax/HR term. In general, a company hires employee in 2 forms:
1) Full Time Employee, who will receive a W-2 form at end of year
2) Consultant, also called Independent Contractor, who will receive a 1099 form.

Check more information at IRS or...
15 years ago
My sys: win 98, j2sdk 1.4,2_01, jwsdp 1.3(Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3)
Problem: Can not use the new version of Ant. Error message is "ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be located. Please set ANT_HOME."

1. I installed Ant 1.6 beta moths ago and runs fine.
2. After I installed jwsdp-1.3 and set my environment variables in <autoexec.bat> like follows:

3. Then, I restarted my pc and opened MS Dos window to check those environment varialbe, I got this:

4. When I try to use ant, error message come out

Does this problem caused by long filename, which is "appathc-ant"? If I change this one to a short, 8.3 path, such as "Ant", will I run into trouble while run jwsdp1.3 samples? How many setting I need to change when I run web service applications?

Any comments will be very helpful. Thanks
[ May 15, 2004: Message edited by: Aiping Zhou ]
My sys: win 98, j2sdk 1.4,2_01, jwsdp 1.3(Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3)
Problem: Can not use the new version of Ant. Error message I got is "ANT_HOME is set incorrectly or ant could not be located. Please set ANT_HOME."

1. I installed Ant 1.6 beta moths ago and runs fine.
2. After I installed jwsdp-1.3 and set my environment variables in <autoexec.bat> like follows:

3. Then, I restarted my pc and opened MS Dos window to check those environment varialbe, I got this:

4. When I try to use ant, error message come out

Does this problem caused by long filename, which is "appathc-ant"? If I change this one to a short, 8.3 path, such as "Ant", will I run into trouble while run jwsdp1.3 samples? How many setting I need to change when I run web service applications?

Any comments will be very helpful. Thanks
[ May 15, 2004: Message edited by: Aiping Zhou ]
20 years ago
I tried both, the results are same.
20 years ago
I am new to ant. Thank in advance for any helps.
My problem is I can not run my java file "hello.class" by using the jar file construct by ant build.xml. However I can successfully run it by using my .class file directly.
The error message prompt by ant like this:

Here is my build.xml using my jar to run:

Hoever, it runs fine while I directly run the .class file under my "myclass" folder using the following code:

Any one? Thanks again.
[ February 18, 2004: Message edited by: Aiping Zhou ]
20 years ago
Because class abc.Tester is in package abc, and class abc.def.Q is in different package def. The protected member can be accessed by classes in same package and kids. (Note: kid can access it only by inheritance.)
Basically, out of the package, no one can use obj.protectedMember code to access protected member. Here obj means the reference to the class, which has those protected members you want to access.
[ September 30, 2003: Message edited by: Aiping Zhou ]
I think new Foo() will at least return a String version of this object. What the string value will like is depends on how Object.toString() is overridden in class Foo. If Foo class did not override toString(), Object class will return a string looks like this: Foo@xxxx
Please correct me if anything wrong.
I think java lova is right. I tried code and run it. The system did print 0. Why?

After the Object constructor returns the test() method is invoked (as defined in the DerivedTest class). Since at this point the variable i has only been declared and not yet been initialized i is printed as zero.

Two things I don't understand:
1) If the instance member i already be declared at compile time, why this line of code (int i = 2 just finish half of them. I thought this whole line should be finished at compile time.
2) Can a member of a class can be access before finishing construction?
The member test() of the child class DerivedTest was invoked before finishing its construction.
Really confuse now.
Anybody can make this clear? Thanks.
I tried this code. It compiled and executed fine. Why is like this?
Is that means a method declaration is same as variable declaration, and can be included inside a non-abstract class?
Can this code be successfully compile?
I thought the only thing can be defined outside of methods, constructors and initializers is variable definition.
Should an unimplemented method be declared as abstract?
Can a non-abstract class have an abstract inner class? Like this:

Can anybody clear this for me?
Agree with Steve: 8 before pint and 10 after. :roll:
Just some comments...
I agree with Steve too.
The problem of this question is using will instead of may. (1) and (2) could be right if using may:
(1) An object may be garbage collected when it becomes unreachable
(2) An object may be garbage collected if all references point it were assigned to null.
The third one should be only right one.
Hi, java (should I call you like this?)
I think you are right. I did a mistake while reading the code. I missed the {} following "hile(bContinue==false)" I thought the code was "while(bContinue==false){ s.setPrice(200); }"
In this case, I think "Compilation and repeated output of 100" will be only answer, since t1 will lock object s forever for the infinite while loop.
Thanks for your correction.