Java Joe

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since Sep 09, 2003
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I read a review of the book on Amazon, which was glowing on the value of this book, and would agree with the earlier post that this book would be a good one to have regardless of "winning" it.
The concept of testing everything, and doing regression testing is something that interests me, and the use of ANT to achieve this. The Amazon display of the "contents" did not reveal a table of contents that the prior post had aluded to (probably because they have actually seen the book).
Does the book touch on the use of ANT in automating testing?
My use of JUNIT has been light, but I can certainly see its value.
It does seem to be time consuming to think in both the development of something and addding code for the testability to put JUNIT to use causes "brain switches" - which is possibly a good thing to insure that the quality is there up front.
I look forward to seeing the actual book.
21 years ago
I picked up this book at the bookstore about 10 days ago, and have read through about half of it. I was not aware of the EMF before this, and proceeded to download the missing parts needed for using this with eclipse.
Most of the authors work for IBM - the origin of Eclipse, and the design of what they have done looks very clean - It will take some real working with before I can feel comfortable with though.
At least in the first half of the book, the ties of Java-XML- and UML are explained and how the Model ties them together with their own XML called Ecore for capturing the model. I have started to see the design picture which makes sense so far - and the ability to use a simple set of UML makes sense.
It does seem that the current status of EMF is an early stage, and has room to grow - which they state will be slow steps-which is probably a good way to approach this.
I am very intrigued with the idea of the code generation, and once I get the time to sit down with it in a working mode I can comment better on its effectiveness.
[ September 23, 2003: Message edited by: Java Joe ]