Angel Dobbs-Sciortino

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since Sep 10, 2003
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Recent posts by Angel Dobbs-Sciortino

Check out Arrays.asList(Object[] a) and List.containsAll(Collection c).

19 years ago
I don't think I can say the reason for encrypting the headers without violating the confidentiality clause in my contract. But it is something I need to attempt to do.
19 years ago
SSL will be used, but this encryption layer is going on top of that. There will be a client/plugin on the client side that decrypts and sends everything to the browser. So, do you know how to get all the output, or no?
19 years ago
I'm going to be using an encryption filter for decrypting requests from the client and encrypting responses (including the headers). Does anyone know how to go about grabbing *everything* a servlet sends to the client, including headers and anything else? I was considering using HttpServletResponseWrapper, and overwriting getOutputStream(). But is that enough, or do I need to overwrite cookie, status, and header methods as well?
19 years ago
JEMBlazer is one development kit for putting java games on gameboy advance and gameboy advance sp. It costs $200. Here is an interview with the principal hardware and software engineers of the product.

I'm not sure about NintendoDS or PSP though.
19 years ago
But dynamic content can be delivered in WML format by using servlets and JSP server-side. I think the main reasons you would want to use a thick-client on a mobile platform would be similar to the reasons you would on a full desktop. It really depends on whether a thick client or thin client fits your needs best.
19 years ago
I am trying to set up log4j logging using the SocketAppender on the client side and the SocketNode on the server side, but I am having trouble finding documentation on this. Does anyone have any info on this, or could you point me to some resources? (If the resource is the log4j site, point very specifically, because I couldn't find the necessary info there.) Thanks!

Just an update. I didn't exactly solve my problem with sharing my object cross-context. I eventually decided there were too many dependencies to make it worth it to get it working. It was all a lot more complicated than my post showed, since the object I wanted to share was connected to all sorts of other objects.

However, I was able to share a small HelloWorld class that only had one method that I got working, and perhaps it would help you. Each application can *not* have the object in its own classpath.

What I did was take my HelloWorld class and package it into a jar. You must put this jar into tomcat/shared/lib or tomcat/common/lib. After doing that, I put the jar into my lib directory of my applications so that they would compile. When I deployed the applications, I did not include the jar file in the build. This is important, because the classloader will check each individual applications classpath before checking shared or common (tomcat documentation gives the order the paths are checked).

It is necessary to do all this because each application has its own classloader.
20 years ago
I tried moving my DataObject into a jar file. First I put the jar in the WEB-INF/lib directory. When I do this, I am able to access the DataObject. But when I moved the jar file into shared/lib for Tomcat, I get a NoClassDefFoundError. Does anyone know why it would be doing this? According to the Tomcat docs, I should be able to access objects in the shared/lib directory.
20 years ago

Where is the DataObject class located? Both the contexts have their copies of DataObject? Should you try putting the DataObject class in the tomcat shared/lib folder? or may be tomcat/common/classes folder? instead of letting the contexts have their own copies...this is just a guess.

They each have their own copy right now. I will try putting it in a jar in the shared folder.
20 years ago
It logs what I have in the toString method in the DataObject from the other context.

"This is a simple string from the a DataObject in the other context."
20 years ago
Yes, it is a DataObject. The log from o.toString() confirms this.
20 years ago
I am currently working on a web application where I want to be able to access an object in another context. I am able to get the object and use its toString method, but I get a ClassCastException when I try to actually cast it. I'm thinking it's a classloader issue. Does anyone know a workaround for this? I'm using Tomcat 5.0.25 and Windows XP. Here is a small piece of my code in a ServletContextListener.

[ September 17, 2004: Message edited by: Angel Dobbs-Sciortino ]
20 years ago
It looks like it should work. Have you tried the latest non-beta jdbc driver instead of the beta version? mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar
20 years ago
Try copying your jar file to common/lib in the tomcat directory. If that fixes it, then it's a classpath issue.
20 years ago