Eric Sexton

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Recent posts by Eric Sexton

Yep. That's all you need to do. There's not a whole lot of fluff behind how WSAD 5.X uses Struts. It's just a matter of swapping out the jar.
19 years ago
Does your logic have to be inside a Java scriptlet? If not, it sounds like a great candidate for some JavaScript.
19 years ago
You can feel free to just download struts on it's own and put it into your web app. Just replace the libraries that WSAD puts in for you with the version of Struts that you want to use.
19 years ago
Thanks Ben! That's exactly the answer I was looking for.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Randall Twede:
i am becoming totally dissillusioned with both jakarta and Sun...jakarta made their products harder to use IMO, and Sun seems to be ignoring bugs and backwards compatibility issues...might as well use IIS and .net...

is my opinion that .net will win out and java will become legacy software

im not wish it wasnt so

[ June 18, 2005: Message edited by: Randall Twede ]

Well, your opinion about the difficulties of Sun's and Jarkatas stuff being difficult may be true(subjectively), but J2EE has too much momentum and MS will always have people who hate them and those who don't believe their stuff is secure. The last 2 shops I've worked at had CIOs that would never let us switch to .net. I personally have nothing against it, it's just what I've seen.
19 years ago

Originally posted by Craig Jackson:
Another solution would be to create a WAR archive file(myApp.war) and drop it in the $CATALINA_HOME/webapps directory.

Yeah, it's just one of those things I wanted to try and thought should easily work. Once I drop a WAR in, it's all good. At my job we deploy on WebSphere, so that's what I'm used to. I just wanted to build some stuff at home and wanted to give Tomcat a spin.
19 years ago
Here's what I had to do. I had to deploy with the context path "/myApp" AND specify the full windows directory in the "WAR or Directory URL" like this:

"file:C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.0/webapps/myApp"

So I guess this is getting is in a server config xml of some sort, but I can't find it. Anyhow, at least I know how to deploy it. Thanks for the help.
19 years ago
Yep, I have started and stopped. This is as simple as simple gets, but I don't get why it's not working.

Is there something in the setup of Tomcat that I missed? Everything under the web apps folder runs except for my stuff. Am I correct in assuming that I should be able to simply drop a folder under the 'webapps' folder and put an html file in it and it should work? I just need to enter in:"C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\anyFolderHere\index.html", correct?

As far as the way I actually start and stop, I use an icon in my task bar that I right click and say 'start service' or 'stop service'.
19 years ago
I'm just playing with Tomcat and have it installed and running. If I enter in to my browser: "http://localhost:8080", I get the welcome page and all is good. So I create a folder under "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\myApp". I drop an "index.html" in the "myApp" folder. So then I enter in to my browser "http://localhost:8080/myApp/index.html". I then get a 404. What am I missing? I haven't put in a web.xml or anything yet, just the html.
19 years ago
Here's a struts tag I'm using:

As I'm trying to use JSTL more instead of depending on my Struts knowledge, I would like to know of an equivalent JSTL tag for the 'notEmpty' Struts tag. Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
This question stems from my IDE flagging my <c:if> statements as 'unknown tags' even though they are all working just fine. Anyhow, when I import the JSTL tag library I use the statement:

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>

Now, I was under the assumption that if I typed in the URI into my browser that I would see the TLD. When I do type it in, I get a page error on the JSP site. Am I wrong to assume that I should see the TLD when putting the URI into my browser? I'm curious as to the detail of what exactly the taglib tag physically does and how it does it. Any insight would be great. Thanks in advance.
20 years ago
Talk about reviving an old thread. I'm looking for more comments on this subject. I currently have a lot invested in Struts. With those Struts apps, I plan on adding JSF but will continue using Struts at the core. I talked to Craig at JavaOne 2004 and I spoke to him saying that I really liked Struts, the devs on my team are very comfortable with it. I told him that after spending a small amount of time with JSF, I felt that I wanted Struts to stay at the center of our apps and use JSF for rapid development of screens and simple validation. He was definitely supportive of that philosophy. But I did neglect to ask what advantage would I gain by developing new applications in a pure JSF environment? If you have Struts experts in house, why go pure JSF? Why not use what helps you develop faster from JSF, and stick with what you have in Struts? I'm a rookie with JSF, so I'd like to hear if I am incorrect in my thoughts. Thanks for any input. I really appreciate it.
20 years ago
Yeah, I did see that on Google.

It's not that big of a deal to have in this particular app, but I can see it being more important in some future apps we develop. 90 percent of our customers are using IE. Thanks for the response Gregg.
20 years ago
Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear on my question. In the vanilla <form> tag in html(or even the input tag), I can force autocomplete to be off (autocomplete = off). In the <struts:form> tag, there is no autocomplete. I would just like to make sure that values entered into a form aren't stored in autocomplete.

BTW, I'm using IBM WSAD 5.1.2.
20 years ago
Is there any way to do this within struts? The form tag doesn't seem to support this.
20 years ago