Ramesh Kumar Swarnkar

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since Sep 15, 2003
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Recent posts by Ramesh Kumar Swarnkar

Ramesh Kumar Swarnkar wrote:Only few of images are not getting displayed, not all in spring-security4.3.16.RELEASE.
So what is there in spring-security.3.1.0.RELEASE, which makes those images to display.
Curiously, comparing the jars downloaded by these versions, I see 3.1.0.RELEASE downloads one additional jar : spring-security-crypto.3.1.0.RELEASE, rest all jars are similar in both version.
Could this be the reason ??

Sorry, I mean spring-security.4.2.4.RELEASE not  4.3.16.RELEASE.
5 years ago
Only few of images are not getting displayed, not all in spring-security4.3.16.RELEASE.
So what is there in spring-security.3.1.0.RELEASE, which makes those images to display.
Curiously, comparing the jars downloaded by these versions, I see 3.1.0.RELEASE downloads one additional jar : spring-security-crypto.3.1.0.RELEASE, rest all jars are similar in both version.
Could this be the reason ??
5 years ago
The error message is misleading. Because the Spring configuration file was looking for log4j property file which cannot be found. When I added the log4j property files, the spring context could inject it in the declared element and went fine now. Thanks !
5 years ago
My project is runing on Spring & Spring-security framework with Java 7. Earlier, both, spring and security, were on version 3.1.0.RELEASE. And all pages and images were working fine on IE. Chrome & Firefox without any issue while using this version. Now, we upgraded the Spring version to 4.3.16.RELEASE & Spring-security to 4.2.4.RELEASE. After this upgrade, we learn that some images (.png) are not getting displayed in IE, but they displays well on other browser like: IE & FireFox. Those images which are not displaying, if I try open them directly by types url, it asks to download that image file; but those which are working fine, I can see those images directly by typing their url in browser also. Hence, I am in impression that this is because of Spring Framework change we did from 3.1.0.REALEASE to 4.3.16.RELEASE and spring-security from 3.1.0.RELEASE to 4.3.16.RELEASE.

Here I am listing the dependencies modules I am using from Spring. Please note

${spring.framework.version}: Earlier was => 3.1.0.RELEASE , but now it is: 4.3.16.RELEASE ${spring.security.version} : Earlier was => 3.1.0.RELEASE , but now it is: 4.2.4.RELEASE





My application is deployed on TcServer (Tomcat) . Any hint and suggestion what is causing the issue ?
5 years ago
As the bug reported here: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-1199 I am upgrading Spring in my project as follows: Spring framework from 4.3.10 to 4.3.16; Spring security from 4.2.3 to 4.2.4;
I am able to make the build successfully with upgraded new version, but it gives following error when I deploy this build on Tomact: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/collect/ImmutableAsList
I use Guava version, which is 12.0.0 in my project. I tried to upgrade this Guava version from 12.0.0 to 16.0 or 19.0, 24.1-jre ; but then it gives compilation error in my existing code for the following import:

import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;

Can someone please suggest me, what could be the possible fix for this error I get here. I am absolutely clueless.
If I could know:: Which version for Guava is compatible with SPRING4.3.16 & JDK1.7. That will help me to get solution.

Thank you for your time to reading my question.
5 years ago
Hi Friends,
I am working on a piece of requirement of a page where it is needed to open a pop-up screen on a click of a hyper-link on a JSP page. The data displayed on that pop-up page should be based on the form POSTED from the jsp page containing the link. Also, this jsp page should not get refreshed while getting posted by clinking on link; means the jsp contents should remain as it is - apparently user should not feel the page is submitted.

I have coded it but could not stop the page to get refreshed.

As of now I am using the Javascript function like:-

The problem with this code is
1. it sbumits the page two times
2. the main JSP page gets refreshed as soon as it POSTS the form.

I don't want to use AJAX as the development time will be increased.

Is there any way to POST the form using this 'WINDOW.OPEN(....)' only, and avoid the submission part from above code ?
Please suggest .
I am working with Glassfish and OPenMQ bysending & receiving message using a simple web application deployed on my local Glassfish3.1.1
I configured the Queue (named: rksQueue), JMS connectionFactory and jndi on this Glassfinsh and able to send & receive messages successfully.
For that I create object of IntialContext() as shown below then send text messages:

Next, I am trying to deploy this application on a different system which has Glassfish3.1.1. It will send and receive message from this computer to a remote computer which is running on LAN and having the
Queue configured there, (named: rksQueue), JMSconnectionFactory and jndi. So the purpose is to send and receive message from one System and Queue will residing on another system.
The code I have used to access the remote resources are:-

But, When the Message sender is called which is using the above code segment, gives the following exception; which clearly tells that it fails to connect because it is not able to create IIOP listener.
Please note that I have even tried by creating a new Listener from glassfish admin GUI, like:-Configuration->ServerConfiguration->ORB->IIOP Listener->NEW : ip: port 3700. But no progress. I still get the same error:-

[#|2013-04-17T19:52:25.865+0530|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.2|javax.enterprise.resource.corba.ORBUtil|_ThreadID=26;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|IOP00410016: Unable to create IIOP listener on the specified host all interfaces and port 3,700
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: SEVERE: IOP00410016: Unable to create IIOP listener on the specified host all interfaces and port 3,700 vmcid: OMG minor code: 16 completed: No
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)

Please suggest your experience and way to resolve this.
10 years ago
Hi Ashish,
of course it is accessible by typing jsp name directly like:- http://serverip:port/ContactManagement/welcome.jsp .
But, then the purpose of defining <welcome-file> is not met.

Here is the code of web.xml :

please suggest.
10 years ago
I have added the Galssfish specific (i.e. container-specific) deployment file, sun-web.xml inside WEB-INF folder with the following contents:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Still it is not able to display the welcome.jsp file at context path call , like: http://localhost:8080/ContactManagement
It gives 404 Error.

Any input please ?
10 years ago
Hi Friends,
Please give your suggestion to go head here.....!
10 years ago
I have developed an application in Eclipse and Tomcat. This project has 'welcome.jsp' file which is outside WEB-INF folder and has been declared as index page in web.xml file :-

While running this project from eclipse using Tomcat server, the welcome.jsp page gets displayed as the default index page.
But when I making a war file and deploying on glassfish, the welcome.jsp page doest get displayed by default.
How should I fix this one.
please suggest.
10 years ago
I have learned that this is because of the new Host I have created in addition to default_host on my JMS application server.
I deleted the new host info from \glassfish3\glassfish\domains\rameshDomain1\config\domain.xml and able to run the server successfully.

11 years ago
I created a Queue directly with Open MQ admin GUI ie. without using Glassfish application server:
I went to glassfish3\mq\bin and double click the ‘imqbrokered.exe’ . Once the it was ready, i went to glassfish3\mq\bin and double click the “imqadmin.exe”.
I created a Broker named 'rameshBroker' and added a destination named 'Queue1' and started it.

Now, when I start the application server and login into admin window, I can not see the Queue (queue1) careated using MQ admin earlier on this server admin dashboard.
Since the glassfish application server is integrated with MQ it should show me the Queue1 .

.......is there anything I am missing which is preventing me to get the Queue1 on admin dashbord ?
11 years ago