John Liang

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since Sep 17, 2003
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Recent posts by John Liang

Hello Howard,

I understand that you may be quite busy, but I think if you could help to give correct answers to all the questions would be a great help for all of us to learn. I got your book for this exam, however, I won't be sure my answers of all the questions without your assurance.

Please give us the answers and reasons behind the answers so that we can learn from you.

Thanks in advance,

I have found the solution. In another book, a companion book, I should say, called "Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere 2nd Edition" page 766 and 767.

There is no tool at all for editing this file, you have to edit it manually using any text editor of your choice and put into META-INF directory of your application client.

Let me know if you have more question,
Okay, I have tried this one out, however, I have found several errors:
1) In jboss.xml, under <enterprise-beans>, there is <entity>, however, it should be <session>
2) When you run the client: instead of using jboss-all.jar, use jbossall-client.jar
Overall, this is a great tutorial!!! I like it a lot. Thanks for concurring my request!!!
Thanks again,
Thanks guys. I got it in the spec. I have also found it in HFEJB on page 125, "Rules for the home interface". I miss that whole thing ... ...
Thanks for your help,
[ December 14, 2003: Message edited by: John Liang ]
May be you have missed the point here. I am talking about Stateful Session Bean only.
May be my title is confusing, sorry. Kathy, please confirm my finding.
Thanks in advance,
On page 92-95 of Stateful Session Bean (Assume AdviceBean is a Stateful Bean according to the heading):
Step 5 shows that the actual bean is created first, and then Step 6 shows that an EJBObject is created after. I realize that the order may not matter in this case, however on page 100 of "Creating a Stateful Session Bean":
Step 4 shows an EJBObject is created first, then Step 5 shows the actual bean is created after. This is confusing, then I try to find out what's going on with the Spec, I realize that:
In EJB2.0 Spec, on page 83, it is shown in a sequence diagram that an EJBObject is created first, then the actual Bean is created after. In between them "SessionContext" is created. Thus, I think this is the correct behaviour, right?
Let me know, thanks,
We all know that in the Home interface of Stateless Session Bean, we cannot have a create method with arguments. That means the method signature must be:

However, can we have this? :

It seems to me it makes perfect sense to have this, however, according to what I see in the spec, it has not mentioned anything about create<METHOD> in Stateless Session Bean. That only happens on Stateful Session Bean.
Please confirm my findings.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks. I didn't realize that it is on the same page, sorry.
Oh in terms of the exam, I am really pissed for SCWCD.
I should have 98%, but at the last minutes when I take a third look at 2 questions, I switch my correct answers to wrong!!! I am really mad after I got my result back. And when I try it out at home right after the exam, I know my original answer is correct!!!
By the way, I am jobless. I am working on my own company. My new company has not earned any money yet. I am looking for jobs too. I am planning to get myself certify for all Java Related Certifications including all 5 Sun's Certification, IBM XML and jCert Enterprise Developer ...
I cannot find the answer for Sharpen your pencil on page 104.
Here is my answers, please verify it. Thanks in advance.
1) F
2) T
3) F
4) T
5) F
6) T
7) T
I believe in the book it does not use Ant at all. Just follow the book step by step.
Use Convention:
javac -classpath %CLASSPATH% ../classes headfirst/*.java
That's all.
On page 101, at the top paragraph, it says in 2nd sentence:

The Home gives the client a stub to an existing EJBObject but does not ...

Although I know the answer is: to a newly created EJBObject, but it confuses me at the first glance. So, I check the spec, and I know it is newly created one.
Thanks, that's great help. I have found it, but:

javax.naming.CommunicationException: Can't find SerialContextProvider
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.getProvider(SerialContext.jav
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at AdviceClient.go(
at AdviceClient.main(

So ... ... any idea? I have checked out the javasoft site, they said that's a problem with JDK ...
Thanks in advance,
Help!!! Help!!!
The FAQ suggested to change the IP of the server node to something other than in /etc/hosts. Well, I have done that, and the Sun ONE Application Server 7 cannot even start, also httpd (Apache HTTP Server) cannot start either.
In terms of the other way, the DNS way, I don't know what to do with it. I have two books on that:
DNS and BIND 4th Edition and DNS & BIND Cookbook
But I have never successfully setup DNS before. I try to setup DNS for two months before without luck. I ask my system administrator at my full time job, he said, "Good Luck, my friend." Oh no ... ... I don't know what to do this time.
Please guys, help out on DNS ... ...
I am a software architect, not a system administrator!!!
Any help would do it, thanks in advance,
Alright, thanks Kathy.
Well, my previous post on the Sun One Application Server 7 for Chapter 1 Advisor Bean is at:
Detailed Instructions of Deploying Chapter 1 of Advisor Bean in Sun ONE Application Server 7
Still I cannot figure out how to use Java-RMI to talk to the EJB yet!!!
Here is the problem:
I have compiled successfully using the EJB-JAR file:
javac -classpath $CLASSPATH:AdviceBean.jar
However, when I run it:
java -classpath $CLASSPATH:AdviceBean.jar AdviceClient
It shows:
javax.naming.CommunicationException: Can't find SerialContextProvider
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.getProvider(
at com.sun.enterprise.naming.SerialContext.lookup(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(
at AdviceClient.go(
at AdviceClient.main(
According to
FAQ of J2EE SDK 1.3.1
It is because of Red Hat Linux installation. I'll try to change /etc/hosts and see whether it works on not.
Stay tuned,
I don't think J2EE SDK is shipped with Sun ONE Application server.
You need to download J2EE SDK for that. Get version 1.3.1 only, don't get 1.4 beta 2...
21 years ago