geeta rai

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since Sep 18, 2003
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Recent posts by geeta rai

If one makes any modification in the servlet, to reflect the changes one has to shutdown Tomcat, is there any other way cause its quite tedious and time consuming stopping and starting the server again and again.
I installed APache Tomcat, have set the variables JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH. When i created my own application under the wec=bapps folder and tried to access the login.html file, it gave the above error. Although if i try to access the default application of Tomcat and put my login.html in the "root" folder, it is displayed. What could be the reason? Do i have to make the netry for the new application somewhere?
21 years ago
Hey, i requested for the voucher in december but didn't get any response. Thought SUN has exuasted with the vouchers. What else do we need to mention in the mail?
I recently passed SCJP 1.4 and planning to take SCWCD, the older version cause the newer version would take time to come. Could someone help me in knowing that which J2EE tutorial i need to refer, 1.3 or 1.4 for the exam?
What is the difference between ordered and sorted?
String s=new String("Bicycle");
int iBegin=1;
char iEnd=3;
1) Bic
2) ic
3) icy
4) error: no method matching substring(int,char)
The answer is (4). Does the char value always get converted to int, even in the case of substring function?
Oh! how could i miss that!!! I guess, i've studied alot and its time for me to sleep. Tomorrow is the BIG day :-)
Why would
if( new Boolean("true") == new Boolean("true"))
be false?
public void divide(int a, int b) {
try {
int c = a / b;
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.print("Exception ");
} finally {
a) Prints out: Finally
b) Prints out: Exception
c) Prints out: Exception Finally
d) No output
I thought the answer is (a) but it is (c), can someone pls explain?
public class TestBuffer {
public void myBuf( StringBuffer s, StringBuffer s1) {
s.append(" how are you") ;
s = s1;
public static void main ( String args[] ) {
TestBuffer tb = new TestBuffer();
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer("Hello");
StringBuffer s1 = new StringBuffer("doing");
tb.myBuf(s, s1);
The answer is "Hello how are you". My question is that since the references of s and s1 have been passed to the method myBuff, why wouldn't s refer to where s1 is refering after the statement s=s1?
Hi Pradeep,
Just one more clarification, lets say we have a constructor in the class which calls constructor in its super class and the super class calls some method in its own class then would this be the sequence:
static variable initialization
static block execution
constructor call
call to super class constructor
execution of method in the super class
rest of the body of constructor in super class
execution of the rest of the body of the constructor
Is it necessary for a method to declare return type in its declaration? If not then what would be the difference between the method and the constructor of a class, the method name being the same as the class name.
Thanks Angelo, Srinivasan for your help.
Lets say a class has two synchronized methods A() and B() and there are two threads TA and TB. Is it possible for TA to execute A() and TB to execute method B()independently at the same time? In other words, when a thread acquires the monitor of an object to execute a synchronized method, does it have the monitor for the specific method of the object or for the whole of the object?