Howard Kushner

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since Sep 19, 2003
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Recent posts by Howard Kushner

Well Frank, I wish you the best of luck.

I have taught a wide variety of Java courses over the past 5 years using the JDK and IDE's. Although there is an additional learning curve associated with any given IDE, I still prefer that approach and I'll tell you why.

IMHO students will ultimately use an IDE in the real world, and I am used to teaching adults who are preparing to use Java as soon as they return to their jobs. Generally, my students work for companies who have chosen IBM products, so WebSphere Studio becomes the IDE of choice.

I believe that IBM has discounts for schools. I do not know the details regarding your particular situation, but I wish you success!

[ May 24, 2004: Message edited by: Howard Kushner ]
20 years ago
Hi Nick,
I have been holding off on starting work on another book. IBM has not expressed much interest. I am still toying with the idea however.
IBM WebSphere certifications are based on job roles. Therefore IBM has defined a set of developer certifications based on the WebSphere Studio products, and a set of administrator roles based on the WebSphere Applcation Server products.
The developer roles are Associate Developer, Solution Developer, and Enterprise Developer. The administrator roles are System Administrator and Advanced System Administrator.
You must first determine the role in which you are interested, then pass the required tests for that role. You may find the following link useful for identifying the roles that IBM has defined. Use the Select a certification drop-down list at the top of the page.
Hi Nick,
Plans are on hold for now. I'll keep you posted.
B and C are the correct answers for both.

Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
I think the answer is A.
Obviously, B is incorrect because the Entity Bean does not contain a create() method, since this is defined in the home interface, and when it is implemented in the bean, the ejb prefix will be added.
D is incorrect because the DB is complaining about the primary key violation. It will be correct, if the error is solely about saving the bean data, without any key issues.
In fact, choice A and C are quite similar, however, ejbPostCreate() is used to finish any actions that cannot be performed in ejbCreate() as the bean is not completely created at that moment. However, upon ejbCreate() is completed, the bean is created and the data is appear in the DB. Thus, if a data item cannot be inserted into the DB due to PK violation, problems should be appeared in ejbCreate().
Does this make sense?

Makes sense to me!
Hello Tara,
Tight deadline, huh? I would like to help but if it's due today, I don't see how I can. :roll: Post a response if you are so inclined, and I'll check back in a couple of hours. Check my signature block below and you will see that I am a strong believer in certifications.
Hi Siva,
My answer to your first question, "Why should the System class be responsible for copying arrays?" is this. The copying of arrays is that type of utility functionality that might be needed anywhere. In my humble opinion, that type of behavior is well placed in the System class.
My short answer to your second question, "What are these classes, Array, Arrays, etc.?" is this: They are part of the Reflection API's, as well as providing other useful behavior specific to arrays. In particular, as you can see in the JavaDoc for the Arrays class (in the java.util package), it provides sorting and searching capabilities for arrays. The Array class (in the java.lang.reflect package) provides static (aka class) methods to create arrays dynamically, "on-the-fly" as needed.
Hope this helps.
[ March 10, 2004: Message edited by: Howard Kushner ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
Hi Howard,
I saw Thomas has made a request to the publisher to send me your book on March 1.
Meanwhile, I have read the TOC of your book, and the preface.
However, I would like to know, could you provide us a objective mapping of IBM 287 with the chapters of your book?
I think this can help us to prepare well in a short period.
I will take the test on 21 March, but I will first take 486 on 14 March.
Thanks a lot.

Check the end of the preface.
I'm shooting from the hip here, but what the heck...
Sounds like your using POJO's (Plain Old Java Objects) for your prototype. No problem there. Now let think about EJB's. Stateless session beans are distributed and transactional but these container provided services are not free. There is a price to be paid in terms of overhead, so you need to figure out if you need really need them. How important is J2EE to you? I would guess that interoperability (read J2EE) is an important consideration since you are using WebSphere in conjunction with Oracle. Since you already have the PL/SQL written, I'm not sure you want entity beans. I still subscribe to the K.I.S.S. principle, if you know what I mean. HTH
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jim Yingst:

Luap Samoht would be a cool name though.

Fer sure! Luap Samoht Waaayyyyyyy kewl.
But, how do you pronounce it?
20 years ago

Originally posted by Adrian Yan:
I don't like to extend RuntimeException unless I can't figure out anything better.

I rarely exend RuntimeException, but I can give you an example of a time a couple of years ago when I did. I was consulting at a large financial institution in the midwest. We had implemented a five layer architecture, and there were erroneous conditions being identified in the object-relational mapping code in one of the lower layers. In order to redirect to a nice JSP error page we wanted to act on the errors in a higher layer. There were many classes in the layers in between. A checked exception would have broken a lot of code. This would have resulted in a lot of modifications to existing classes and the development schedule was tight (as usual). After discussing my ideas with the team, we decided to try creating two custom exceptions as subclasses of RuntimeException. It worked great and saved us from having to do a lot of rework. So that's my two cents.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Jorge Blaz:
I've experience with Java, Servlets, Jsps and also some knowlegde of Struts.
Now i have some free time and I wanted to learn a new tecnology that could be very helpful for a job in the future. I have no idea of EJBs nor Web Services. Which tecnology do you think it's more useful now in J2EE projects?. Or are both very important as I guess?
Thanks in advance

Both! These technologies are not exclusive of each other and can actually be used together in interesting ways. Without going to deep, lets just say that a developer can expose an EJB as a Web Service for B2B!
20 years ago
I see the solution kind of like this.
Let's say we have a class Vote that's our abstract base class. The we have the subclasses SimpleVote, MajorityVote, and QuorumVote as you stated earlier.
I would code VoteFactory like this:

I would invoke the factory method like this:

Hope this helps.
[ February 28, 2004: Message edited by: Howard Kushner ]
What the is going on NOW?
Somehow this keeps reminding me of Jimi Hendrix singing "Hey Joe"
So don't you dare go away! That would rilly me off!
20 years ago