Al Koch wrote:
2) It often takes 3 to 4 attempts to launch JBoss 7. The Kepler console shows about 600+ lines of output but I cannot see anything that reveals why we fail to launch. All I do is try again and after a couple of tries we finally launch and deploy. Note however, on some days we do launch on the 1st try! Do you know if Wildfly will be more reliable when launched? Here is an excerpt:
Linda Dimartino wrote:
-Does the book contains examples about the new role based access control ?
Linda Dimartino wrote:
-About developing application, does this book contains hints for developing applications on WildFly ?
Sai Hegde wrote:
Jaikiran Pai wrote:Furthermore, Wildfly now only uses a single port (8080 by default) for all communication and is backed by the HTTP upgrade feature.
Love this feature.