Harjot Narula

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since Sep 22, 2003
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Recent posts by Harjot Narula

Not really,
I AM ALREADY loading the XML in the way you suggested. I actually require a reference to the XML object of the loaded XML in Mozilla, so that I can traverse its nodes via javascript.
In IE, document.XMLDocument returns me a refernece this object. Is there any way for me to do it in Mozilla?
I need to port an XSL written for IE6 to Mozilla 1.4
Mozilla does not support document.XMLDocument
I need an equivalent of document.XMLDocument in Mozilla and probably other document.<properties......>
Any kind of help is appreciated.
Harjot Narula
I am working with JNDI and LDAP. I am trying to take out attributes from an LDAP server using JNDI and insert the records in my SQL database.
I want to map the attributes in LDAP server to my SQL database.
I can do that, but I want to introduce type checking so that I do not map wrong type of LDAP attribute to a SQL database field type.
Please help me to get the metadata of an LDAP attribute, if I have an Object of javax.naming.directory.Attribute type.
This is Urgent.
Harjot Narula
Just out of curiosity, I want to find out why do we use an
init method to create an instance of servlet instead of using a
Why cant we use constructors in servlets.
21 years ago
I am looking for some unique attribute in weblogic and websphere servers LDAP. Do we have a unique id which is common to all servers which have an ldap implementation ?
I am importing some user information from ldap server to my database.
I have connected to the LDAP server using jndi and am able to extract the meta data of the server(attributes). I want to update my database time to time. All the users which are not present in the database (but present in the LDAP server) should be added in the database. I dont know how to keep track of which users are present in the database already, cause I dont want duplicate rows in database table. Can you help me ?
I think if I am able to keep track of some key in LDAP server by which I can distinguish between different records, I will be able to solve the problem.
put the properties file in the java source package in webapp.
Activation and passivation has nothing to do with the relational or object oriented database that you are using.
These methods are called by the container in order to passivate the object when the pooled objects are finished. It passivates the object which is the oldest one used. The objects are activated when any request on that object is made and that object is not in the pooled resources.
Activate and passivate are used only in Entity beans and in Stateful session beans. Stateless session beans do not have the concept of pooled objects/resources.
Hope this answers your query.

Try using this instead
or try this
I think the latter should work for you.
wish u luck
Real Programmer neither codes in vi nor in textpad
He uses Google to search for the code.
In your eclipse, right click on the project, go to properties, select java build path, select libraries. Now lick on add external jars and locate the jar files you want to add. Build the project. The jars are added in the classpath automatically.
Hope this helps

Originally posted by narasimharao konjeti:
hi, i am using eclipse, and i have included two jar file in my project lib directory. and my porject unable to set the classpath to the lib directory files. when i am running my project.
please let me know, if anyone knows.
bye for now...
nr konjeti