manav kher

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Recent posts by manav kher

don't think thats possible the way you want it to work, but what you could do is forward yourself to the same page so that it "appears" that you never left.
23 years ago
pass the name/path/id of the current REFERER when forwarding to login.jsp (as part of the request) and use that to forward the user to the appropriate page after successful login
23 years ago
i am pretty sure its not possible, but is there any way i can save a copy of the ServletRequest on the server? I know you can't clone the ServletRequest/HttpServletRequest object
23 years ago
well i am not sure if i know the answer to your questions (though I and my coleagues have often wondered)
but if you are calling the first servlet from a frameset to begin with, well then you can redirect the output to a specific frame...something like this
<form method="get" action="/servlet" target="target_frame">
does it make any sense?
23 years ago
use divs
<div id="div0" name="div0"></div>
and in the javascript
document.all.layers.div0.innerHTML = '<input type="text"...
do the same for a combo box
check the syntax but i hope u get the essence of what i am trying to say here
I don't see the point of this exam, it is too simple to even merit the $150 in exam fees and all you get is another line on your resume. Anybody who has had any experience writing jsp's/servlets is gonna be able to do well in the test.....its just not worth. I would think that an SCJD certificate would make so much more sense plus it sounds like a fun/learning experience.
thats probably because of your security settings, when you do a localhost ort the browser thinks of it as a local/safe zone but when you use the qualified ip its the internet (i think) zone ...if u tinker with the security settings a bit it might help
23 years ago
yeah how did u know that??
well i understand it can be really busy and once you are on your way (paychecks can be really addictive sometimes) but there are so many programs for working professionals now and a lot of companies will pay your tuition and even give you time off if you plan on attending grad school.
23 years ago
go for a masters its valid as long as you live. these certificates have a very short life span on your resume, and who said you cannot do both. Plus you will be just in time for the next upswing...and going back to school can be so much fun sometimes.
if u need more reasons to head to grad school lemme know
23 years ago
good point M but let me point something here. Though TCS is paying $40K to a H1-b they charge almost 3 times of that to the company they send the "consultant" to. The company where I work (I am not H1-b) these TCS consultants charge something around a $100 an hour...and they were the first to go when the layoffs started. So you think they have it good??
stop blaming all your woes on something so flimsy
23 years ago
there is no sure shot solution to prevent a client from caching your jsp's (damn microsoft traded performance for full implementation of the standards)
the only real solution is to change the url (the page will be pulled from cache anytime the url is the same as that of the cached page) so do something like this"random number"
and just ignore the variable someVar...but remember this to create unique url's every time u have to use some kinda random generation (or use a time stamp instead)
do that and the browser will be foxed into getting the page from the server and not from the cache.

did this make any sense...
23 years ago
great idea...why don't u use the simple convinience that web cookies cookies with user behaviour info as cookies (or in ur own database if u like...but thats only valid if users have independent log ons or static ip's etc)
and then use that information to format/sort ur resultsets?
23 years ago
yep and the best part about defining your own tags is
1. you have no trouble implementing OLAF (one look and feel in your application or across multiple applications)
2. Changes/modifications have to be made in one place and not in individual jsp's
3. You are following sun's new pattern Model-View-Control to the t (or is it z...)
and i really want this book :-)
23 years ago
permission denied in client side JavaScript?...are u working with some kinda activex control...sometimes that might raise an error.
ah Internationilazation with that'd be something. A simple solution is as the previous post suggested is to have multiple versions of the same page and then give the user a chance to select from the homepage..u can then go on and store a cookie with the language selection and dynamically load the appropriate language pages.