This question has been asked for years but is still bothering me
WSAD 5.1.2
Test Environment 5.1
I have a xerces.jar (Xerces 1.4.0) included in my EAR. This xerces is used by an EJB to parse some XML documents. I set the classloading policy of the EAR to be PARENT_LAST and MODULE to make sure my xerces is picked up. This works for the EJB XML parsing part.
However, after I added web services interface based on that EJB, the web service won't work because my xerces is not compatible for the new web services. I switch to PARENT_FIRST, web services work but not my EJB XML parsing.
Articles on this issue alwasy deal with using xerces in WARs, not with EJB cue there is no such setting for EJB (unlike WARS, you can use its own classloader mode).
I think this must be a common issue. Anyway to work around it?
Thanks in advance...