Chris Cingrani

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since Nov 21, 2000
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Recent posts by Chris Cingrani

Ron -
I forgot to mention that in my last message. I did try to get your solution to work (also referenced the doc) without any luck. Here is the last query I tried without luck (can't find avail_draft in update). However, when I add SELECT avail_draft.position FROM avail_draft to the second part of the set in the update, it doesn't work either:
21 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Ron and Faisal. It looks like I might be out of luck on this one, because I need to have it working by Sunday for a real time fantasy football draft. At this point, I am thinking that I will just manually delete records or update the database after each player is chosen. It isn't pretty, but hopefully they will have the database upgraded by next year. If not, I will be looking for a new provider.
Thanks again for all the help - I owe you one!
21 years ago
Ron -
Just talked to my web host. Looks like they are on mySQL version 3.23.56, which explains the problem.
With that said - do you have any ideas on how to update the information? I can't think of anything offhand without getting data from the other table.
Thanks -
21 years ago
Ron -
I tried your suggestions, but got another error. The reference to an access violation seems bogus, becuase I ran another update query from my JSP just fine.
Here is the code and the error:

Thanks again!
21 years ago
Thanks for getting back to me, Ron.
To answer your question, I only tried the query through the php GUI tool. I was under the impression that if my query didn't work there, it wouldn't work in the JSP code either.
Anyways, I don't have access to the mysql command line, so I just moved to the JSP code.
Here is my statement, plus the error being generated:

Thanks for the help -
[ August 14, 2003: Message edited by: Chris Cingrani ]
21 years ago
Ron -
That is correct. The error is occuring when entering the query in mySQL, so this isn't a JSP problem at the moment.
Anyone have any ideas to the root of the mySQL syntax problem?
Thanks -
21 years ago
Winston -
Actually, I was trying to first get the query to work in mySQL and then I was going to move it to the JSP code. At this point, the query is still the problem (running through phpMyAdmin).
Thanks -
21 years ago
Not sure where to place this question, but since the problem is occuring in a JSP application I am developing, I thought I would start here.
Anyways, I have a mySQL query that mySQL refuses to run. I made sure it is exactly like the documentation, but it won't run. Also, when I try and query the data via a select, it returns just fine. Here is the query:

Now, if I run this as a SELECT statement, it returns fine. Here is the select query:

If anyone has any ideas as to what I am doing wrong, I would appreciate it!
Thanks -
[ August 14, 2003: Message edited by: Chris Cingrani ]
[ August 14, 2003: Message edited by: Chris Cingrani ]
21 years ago
I did a search on this topic, but couldn't find anything that pertained to this error, since I am putting the .class files in the correct spot (WEB-INF/classes) and I am not using a package. However, when I try and run my JSP file, I am seeing the following error. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
21 years ago
I made the modifications Malhar and David recommended, but still no difference. There isn't anything being displayed between Begin Exception Dump and End Exception.
This is starting to drive me nuts....
21 years ago
Thanks to everyone for their replies thusfar. In regards to Malhar's comments, I wanted to mention that the Exception handler will output a message at times. For instance, if it cannot find the jdbc.Driver class the message displays as follows:
Begin Exception Dump
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
End Exception
So, the messages will display, it's just that no errors are coming back in this instance. Also, I can't access the log files for Tomcat because it is hosted remotely.
Any other ideas?
Thanks -
21 years ago
Gregg -
All it displays is this:
Begin Exception Dump
End Exception
Not much to go on, which is why I am baffled. I don't understand why the e.getMessage() doesn't return something.
21 years ago
I am trying to connect to a mySQL database that is hosted remotely. I am sure I am putting in the correct information to correct, however, every time I try and run the .jsp code, it will display the column headers and then go to the exception, with no error being displayed. Here is the code I am using. Any thoughts would be appreciated!
Thanks -
21 years ago
Kevin -
I would recommend checking out phpbb. It is written in PHP (obviously) and is similar to Ultimate BB (which JavaRanch uses). The install is very easy and there is no cost to use it.
Hope that helps -
22 years ago
Thanks Paul, but I actually checked out that link before posting. However, it seemed like that person was looking more for a free site, where I would prefer to pay and avoid the banners.
One company I did notice this time from that other topic was that Thomas recommended. Can anyone (I am assuming Thomas has used them) comment on their service?
Thanks -
22 years ago