Phil Perkins

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since Nov 21, 2000
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Recent posts by Phil Perkins

Besides JDOM, what other APIs exist to build XML documents from scratch?
Can you overload a static method?
Thanks for the response.
We tried the tabindex but it did not work in older versions of Netscape. I forgot to mention in the last post that the link is in another frame. So we set focus in one frame and when the tab button is clicked focus is sent to the top frame from the bottom frame.
We have a bug while using Netscape. On one of our pages we set the focus to a particular text input box. When the user clicks the tab button, a link at the top of the page gains focus. How can implement the javascript to tab to the correct text input box.
The information I am finding about internet protocols and HTTP tunneling has been fairly sparse. Can anyone recommend a good source of information?
If data is entered into a text box in Netscape and then the user clicks the 'Print' button on the toolbar, the textbox is printed but it is empty. Is there any way to make Netscape print out form data (to the printer) after it has been entered into a text box?
How does java handle distributed threading? I have two methods calling an EJB, one is synchronized and the other one is not. Is there any possiblity of this causing a RemoteException if the unsynchronized method returns to a locked object?
23 years ago
How does java handle distributed threading? I have two methods calling an EJB, one is synchronized one is not. Is there any possiblity of this causing a RemoteException if the unsynchronized method returns to a locked object?
How does java handle distributed threading? I have two methods calling an EJB, one is synchronized one is not. Is there any possiblity of this causing a RemoteException if the unsynchronized method returns to a locked object?
How do you call a form on a different frame to submit the data to the Server?
I am trying to write pop up "help" text for an onMouseOver event. It works in IE but not in Netscape. Does anyone know of something I can do to make it work in Netscape?
Does anyone in this forum have knowledge of recruitment for college graduates interested in Marketing or Sales?
24 years ago
To what level of understanding does the test cover EJBs. Does it cover the implementation of the container or things of that nature?
DOes anyone know how many characters long the status bar at the bottom of the browser is?
I have a page with two frames. I want a link call one page without any frames. Can this be done without JS?