Brian Pipa

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since Sep 29, 2003
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I had a similar problem with one of my apps. What I eneded up doing was putting all my classes plus the two 3rd-party jars into a single jar by having an Ant task extract the 3rd-party jars to my target directory then jarring up the contents. Works fine for me with 2 different apps. If anyone wants to see the apps and/or the ant build file that does it, let me know. Email me at and use my first name in the email address.

20 years ago
Neither one of those are IDEs.
20 years ago

if they loose their cheese

loose should be lose
20 years ago
There are some tools you can use for this.

They do mockups and output the source for you to use in your projects

20 years ago
Take a look at the Source for JMP3Renamer (
look at the HelpDialog class.

20 years ago
If you just have one slider, you can also try using the UIManager to set the default colors. There are 5 that deal with sliders:

You can use them like so:

This changes a JSlider to MOSTLY red - there is still a rectangle of the metal purple color. Must be some other UIManger setting to get that to change colors. I didn't look around for it.

20 years ago
The way I solved this for FileNabber ( ) was to use frames. The top frame did the actual uploading and the bottom frame requested the progress percentage for the current upload.

20 years ago
I tried it and it worked fine for me. What version of java are you using? (type java -version to find out). My guess is that you are not using a version that is 1.4 or greater. Here is how I figured it out:

The error says NoSuchmethodError and gives you line 12 in your code.
line 12 is this:
A quick check of the javadocs for Jframe.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated() says:
"Since: 1.4 "
Which means this method was added starting at 1.4.
This means any JVM before 1.4 won't have that method and would give you a NoSuchMethodError.

So, either take out that line, or upgrade to a 1.4 or better JVM (I recommend upgrading)

20 years ago
If you mean a GUI editor, try JFRameBuilder - it's free. I only played wit hit for a few minutes but it looked pretty good.
20 years ago
Hi all,

I have a JMS queue setup on JBoss and it works fine. I'm trying to figure out how to set the number of messages on the queue that get processed at a time. I heard/read somewhere that the default was 5 or 10, but I need to change this. I have googled and can't find the answer to this anywhere and I know you can set this. I don't wnat to set the number of messages that can be on the queue at once, but rather, the number of messages that get processed at a time.

Thanks in advance,
20 years ago
One way to do it (and it's how I did this in both of my apps) is to use

and pass in a custom panel as the message. In the panel, you layout your components and message like you want them and add a button that says something like "Visit Website" or whatever. Add an ActionListener to the button so that when it is clicked it uses the BrowserLauncher class ( ) to send the user to the web site.

If you don't want a button, you could make a clickable custom component that looks like a weblink and add that instead. I have written this component and keep meaning to release it as open source (free) but there are some brief examples of it floting around on the net.

If you don't understand any of this or want to see a code example, let me know.

20 years ago
I found this in one of my classes. Not sure where I got it:

[ June 08, 2004: Message edited by: Brian Pipa ]
20 years ago
throws say it might throw sometime in the future
throw does the throwing NOW

20 years ago