Barbara Norway

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since Sep 30, 2003
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Recent posts by Barbara Norway

I see the cover that they have mocked up at the O'Reilly site but won't divulge who I saw on the cover in case I shouldn't. Have seen the person before....
18 years ago
Will the reason the "pink girl" cover was vetoed ever be divulged? Just curious. Guess it wouldn't be the biker couple that made the cut....oh, wait, that was another book cover contest wasn't it? Do we really have to wait until the book is published to see the replacement cover model?

Honestly, I don't think people would have just seen "pink girl" as just an object. But, even if a brown paper bag is on the cover, the contents will be the reward.
18 years ago
Hi everyone,

I am sorry that this is the newbie-est of newbie questions but can someone tell me if BEA is pronounced B-E-A or BEA (bee). I would guess the former but don't have anyone around to ask right now. With 'SQL' it's easy either way, ess-q-el OR sequel.....

19 years ago
[Potentially problematic response removed.]
[ November 23, 2004: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]
20 years ago
I don't think he meant he was going to crack into computers, just that he wants to learn how to program and become a hacker. Right, Max?
20 years ago
Thanks Bear! That was it. I told you I was a newbie
20 years ago

I had installed Tomcat 5.0.27 a few months back and connected it to apache. No problem. But, while reading "Head First JSP and Servlets" in order to add some functionality to some old JSP pages using JSTL, I read on page 434 that I could copy the jstl.jsr from the Tomcat subdirectory WEB-INF/lib. Well I couldn't find it there on my particluar installation and it was nowhere to be found on the server. So I went to the apache site to download it. I installed the taglibs and copied the jstl.jsr to the WEB-INF/lib directory under Tomcat. I restarted Tomcat, added a few lines of <c:when>, etc. and below my page language and jsp:useBean statements in one of my jsps.

Well, when I tried to redisplay the page I got the following error:

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application

note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.27 logs.

Apache Tomcat/5.0.27

Can someone help please? Do I have a mismatch of versions somewhere or an incorrectly placed jar or a bad URL or....

Thanks very much in advance.
20 years ago
Thanks Bear for your valuable reply. I will put it to good use. I believe that I have a good handle on preventing deletion from the database for this table but I will spend more time thinking about it to be sure

20 years ago

Here is a question that I believe will be pretty easy for one of you jsp experts to answer (I hope):

If I have a jsp program that is called by a dozen or so menu items but would like to hide the delete button for one of the choices, how can I do it? I have a tree.js menu with lots of different categories (choices) that need to be able to insert, query, edit, and delete records. I have one function that will query the records based on a user-inputted range of values, return the values and then allow the user to select record(s) to be deleted or downloaded. All categories use the same set of jsps with the information specific to the particular category carried along to "fill in" the fields, table_name, etc.

In other words I need to conditionally hide the delete button for one of the categories but would prefer not to just code a separate set of jsps for it (that would be a kludge :-) )

Thanks very much in advance for your help with the syntax and please let me know if you need clarification of what I'm trying to do.

20 years ago
I'll mention again that if someone really needs it fast, it can be ordered from o'reilly & associates (the publisher). For some reason no one ever does that but it's one way to have it now. I'm going to wait as I'm a Java beginner who can grow into design patterns a little later....
20 years ago
I'd have to say "Head First Java" as it got me to finally start learning Java. I never really *needed* to learn Java for any of my jobs (Oracle, Unix, perl, etc.) but I kinda always wanted to....

I love learning new things so that hadn't been the problem. It was just finding the time and Java just didn't bubble up to the top of the list. With HFJ I was able to really get started - quickly & painlessly.

I still have a lot of competing interests that keep me from spending as much time as I would like on Java but, after going through HF Java I have been able to get going with the rest of the Java books I've been collecting
20 years ago
Hi Sri,

I don't know much about pay scales in other parts of the country. In fact, things might have changed a lot even where I live since I have last looked for a position. It used to be pretty easy to get a pretty good idea of what an appropriate salary should be but nowadays it seems to vary a lot more. Sorry I cannot be more specific and helpful.

Nick, are you saying what your salary is or what? I'm not sure how a salary in Hong Kong would compare to a salary here, even if it is in USD. I wasn't saying what my salary is (that's private , just giving a basic figure that seems to be somewhat of a norm for DBAs with 2-3 yrs experience.

Sri, There are so many variables ( geographic location, type of employer, supply of available applicants for position, specific fit for position (extra skillsets, etc.), whether or not the position involves 24/7 on call support, benefits, other perks that make you like a particular job, and on and on). It's VERY hard to be specific. I guess just keep asking people

Good luck Sri.
Maybe she means you can schedule an exam after the expiry date as long as you do the scheduling before the expiration. I'm not sure how much in teh future you can schedule the test but at least 6 weeks. So you've bought yourself that much time. However, I've never been in that position so maybe my reasoning is faulty.

In other words, do you really have to TAKE the test by the expiry date or just SCHEDULE A TEST FOR THE FUTURE by that deadline? Please let us know what you find out and good luck. If all else fails, I would go sit for the exam (since you paid for it), even if you KNOW you will fail. That way you can at least see what the exam is like. It's better than nothing.