Paul Tongyoo

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since Sep 30, 2003
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Recent posts by Paul Tongyoo

Hello JavaRanchers--

I've been searching this forum for almost an hour and haven't been able to interpret any concensus on the best design solution for this problem: Having my RemoteObjectImpl (which needs to throw RemoteException) implement my Data interface (which does not need to throw RemoteException). Rancher veterans-- what has been the best approach to this problem?? Ideally, I do not want my Data interface to throw any additional exceptions since it's functions shouldn't need to.

Now FYI, this is NOT for the SCJD exam -- as an attempt to pound my SCJWCD work into my head, I'm refactoring my SCJD app so I could build a JSP/Servlet interface to the business tier in place of the original Swing front-end. So I would love to hear *any* design suggestions (not bound by Sun's specs)! I just figure I'd post my question here since many SCJD'ers may have solved this problem.

Thank you in advance!


[ May 30, 2004: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]
Any update on this JavaRanchers?? I'm about to start studying too!

Read the DTD for the new web.xml specs!

And the test mentioned patterns other than those
listed in the objectives!!

And one of the questions had errors in its answers!
(They were irrelevant to determining the correct answer.)

Well, at least I don't have to take it again.
Hello Ranchers --

I was hoping to learn from people who have taken the test if there was coverage on the HTTP methods other than doGet and doPost (doHead, doTrace, doOptions, doPut, doDelete). Did anyone encounter questions on these methods?



Originally posted by Shilpi M Ag:
[QB]Private methods are not visible outside the class.. so u can definitely overload and override it...

Since private methods are not visible outside their class, you can't actually "override" the method as you would be doing if that superclass method was public. You're just providing a method with an identical method signature (access level, method name, parameter list) in a subclass.
From the subclass method's perspective, it wouldn't be "overriding" anything since it can't see the private superclass method in the first place.

I thought I'd make the clarification since the the word "override" has a special meaning in the context of object-oriented programming.


Originally posted by Jerzi Deflanax:

I am going to start my preparation for either the SCBCD or the more expensive SCEA certification.
I checked Dice site (usa jobs mainly) and found only one SCBCD job post, but several J2EE architect (whatever that means) Posts .
Maybe the market does not know about the new certification yet, or maybe the SCEA acronym is more sexy.
is it greater the demand for SCEA then for the SCBCD certification?
maybe it is something similar to the SCJP vs SCJD situation mentioned in another formum.

Hi Jerzi,

I think that you'll find whatever certification to be most marketable if you emphasize the value you've been able to create WITH the certification, as opposed to merely highlighting the certification. That being said -- even though there might not be many job postings explicitly requiring the SCBCD, I know there are a ton of jobs requesting the skills that the certification is intended to develop.

To add my .02, I say take the SCBCD for the pure learning experience, then apply it to some kick-ass, personal or open-source project, and then add those two (the cert and the project you completed using the cert) to your ammunition in your next interview.

Good luck!


Originally posted by Ram:
Hi Kathy,
I am preparing for my SCWCD 1.4. I am preparing using the book "SCWCD Exam Kit". Well i recently saw that ur book would be released by August. I am planning to write my exams by Aug. I am really worried abt the new syllabus. Well how good is SCWCD Exam kit for SCWCD 1.4.

Hi Ram--
Of course Kathy is the more qualified person to answer this question; I just wanted to throw in a comment as well. I had planned to finish reading the "SCWCD Exam Study Kit" before intending to sign up for the exam, and was unpleasantly surprised to find out they had released a new version of the SCWCD exam by the time I had finished it. I believe some of the major exam requirements that the study kit does NOT cover include:
- the new JSTL
- the new JSP Expression Language (EL) and the JSP directives related to it
- the new Simple Tag model
- Mentions, but does not cover some of the J2EE patterns req'd by
the new exam
I went with Kathy's recommendation to look into "Pro JSP" by Simon Brown et al, as it contains much of the info related to the new SCWCD exam that the study kit does not cover. Interestingly enough though, I am near two-thirds done with Brown's book and I know I'll be needing to flip through some of the study kit's pages to ensure total understanding of the 1.4 objectives.
Hope I helped build your perspective!

[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]
Hi Sanjay--
I also took Kathy's past advice (which I hope she still agrees with!) on reading "Pro JSP (Third Edition)" by Simon Brown et al. Its coverage on the new JSTL, JSP EL, and Filtering seem to be comprehensive enough for the exam requirements. The book's coverage of both Simple and Classic tag models also seems sufficient for passing the exam (if not more so). Check the book out! I'm enjoying it.

Good luck,
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]

Originally posted by Nai chao Wu:

Can interface DBMain be modify to throw IOException?
who have a good solution?

Hi Nai--
Forgive me if my advice is incorrect -- it's been awhile since i've posted after I passed the SCJD exam, I needed a break!
You can definitely extend the DBMain interface to adhere to the one you want. Just make sure you don't change the actual DBMain interface itself.

However, there is an alternate approach you may want to consider: rather than extending the class and inheriting all of its functions, have you considered using some sort of object delegation approach?

In both cases I'm adding to the functionality of DBMain, but make sure I don't change the DBMain interface itself.
[ April 03, 2004: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]
Thanks everybody!!! Javaranch ROCKS!
20 years ago
Hello all--
My magnetic reader outputs a string of characters as if it was a regular keyboard -- is there a way to capture this entire string at the console with some kind of event? Assuming that swiping a card will fire a keyEvent, how would I capture all 100+ characters that are read from the card at once?
Thanks in advance,
20 years ago
Hello Ranchers--
I would like to know if anyone knows if its allowable to upload my assignment _after_ I have taken the essay exam. I plan on taking the essay exam tomorrow and then doing a little more testing and review of the documentation before uploading the app.
Thanks in advance,

Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
How about you? any progress?

I think i'm just going to stick with what I have now; maybe i can get away with justifying my design in my choices document. I'll post back to this thread if I accidentally trip over a brilliant solution
[ November 27, 2003: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]

Originally posted by Trym Moeller:
Best regards Trym

Hi Trym--
Thank you for your reply-- your suggestion doesn't address the issue i was trying to convey but it is definitely good advice nevertheless.
The question I still have (Nick, have you solved this yet?) is on the "cleanest" way to represent both a local and remote connection to the persistence layer with one interface on client-side (hope this statement isn't more vague than my original ).
Thanks again,

Originally posted by Nicholas Cheung:
Currently, I am doing the same thing as you. But I wanna know, do your 2 classes RemoteDataAdapter and (Local)DataAdapter are exactly the same, except methods in the remote one throws RemoteException, while the local one dont?
I am now thinking of whether this is a good idea, since all codes in them in fact can be totally duplicate, and they cannot implement the same, say, ServerServices interface due to the different Exception thrown.

You have brought to my attention a significant related issue (problem?) in my design. I would like to describe it here; hopefully ranchers can help answer both our questions.
My GUI layer contains a class that requests an object of type DataClient, which is an interface to the database that matches both my (Local)DataAdapter and RemoteDataAdapter classes. To solve the exception "difference" that Nick mentions above, each operation of my DataClient interface declares that an IOException is thrown from it. This subsequentally forces both my adapters to throw IOException for each operation as well. Now the only difference between my two adapters is that my RemoteDataAdapter operations also throw a RemoteException.
I question this approach since my DataAdapter operations never actually throw IOExceptions, and my RemoteDataAdapter actually only throws subclasses of IOException (RemoteException). But is there another alternative? (This is where our questions may be similar Nick) How else can I represent both adapters in a way that doesn't requiring "unnecessary" exception declarations?

Thanks in advance,
[ November 21, 2003: Message edited by: Paul Tongyoo ]