Vishwas Hegde

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since Oct 02, 2003
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Recent posts by Vishwas Hegde


"IBM buying Sun Microsystems makes no sense, it's a red herring" -- Thats what this below link says!

15 years ago
Thanks for the reply.

Infact the 3rd party jar vendors have modified their packaging structure.
(pack1.pack2.pack3.javaclass to box1.box3.box10.javaclass in their latest releases...)

So we need to change it accordingly.

Previously, (long long ago ) developers used to use some wrapping tool, but due to various reasons, thats not allowed anymore.

So was looking some workaround so that I can make it work.
16 years ago
Hello Guys,

I was just stuck in the middle... We were doing some enhancement and we are writing some code in the package, which is using some 3rd Party APIs.

Those 3rd Party APIs have changed and our new version has to be compatible with it.

The existing code has couple of import statments, which is being used in this class. We need to add some more to that, but obviously since its 3rd Party, we cannot use that in our build, hence our code doesnt compile.

So my question is how do I load those classes (which are there in import as well with a diff package structure, but should use my newly loaded classes )

import has pack1.pack2.pack3.javaclass and I want to load box1.box3.box10.javaclass

Putting those in Class.forName(".........") in a static block wouldnt serve the purpose...

Is it possible, like for compile time pack1.pack2.pack3.javaclass gets used and at runtime box1.box3.box10.javaclass gets applied.

My only other choice is.... has to get approval from a series of mgmt chain for adding 3rd party in the build....

Any pointer??

16 years ago
Thats really Great.


18 years ago

I didn't know that nowdays failed lover are becoming snake catcher.

I was about to ask this....

18 years ago

r u going to leave development job.

He is still in college.!

18 years ago
Ha ha haah.... what happened to you agrah !!

Tired of catching girls?

18 years ago
Yeah.. me too... while preparing for SCJP.

Thanks to Google.

~~Vishwas Hegde
SCJP 1.4
18 years ago

DateParser.parseDate("1980-02-14 00:00:00.0", "mm/dd/yyy")

Use this as the pattern yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S

Later with this object (result), you can change it to your desired pattern.

Hope that helps.

~~Vishwas Hegde
SCJP 1.4,
18 years ago

I'm stilling trying to figure out how the statement "This is the question asked in GE" was relevant to the question. Does the General have his own set of Design Patterns?

I guess, probably.. it was asked in the interview.

This is the question asked in GE

That was just a piece of information, which was not relevant here.

18 years ago
I am 25.

SCJP 1.4
18 years ago

Where's the fun part?

Good question.... Even I am searching

18 years ago


Hey you gave me a new business idea

Wherez my commission then...???
18 years ago