Tim Holloway wrote:I do remain firm in my belief that Fahrenheit is a much better scale for measuring human comfort than Celsius
James Sabre wrote:Since your are reading the whole file into memory you can safely re-open the file and write to it i.e.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:
Yes, that operation runs in constant time. But it isn't what I would call searching.fred rosenberger wrote:. . . "find the item at position 1,248,423", then yes, an array list is very fast.
Mahadi Hasan wrote:[T]he ArrayList is good for searching with optimized time
Frank Jacobsen wrote:
Faster = The fastest way this can be done.
Sami radwan wrote:all my objects should be declared final?
Alireza Saidi wrote:Hello dear friend! How can I solve that? Can you help me please?