Sergiy Kamenyev

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since Oct 03, 2003
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Recent posts by Sergiy Kamenyev

I need to use Drools 6.2.0.Final. Is it possible to use Guvnor with it? Any example?

Thank you.
9 years ago
Is there any analog to class in client part of GWT? I need to do something like this:

Thank you.
10 years ago
Our tester are not happy about this line in hosted.html:
Can I deploy so that hosted.html does not contain such lines?

Thank you.
10 years ago
Thank you for the advice. I have now only one error:
"EE.jpx": Don't have a path for java2iiop. Check your VisiBroker configuration using the Tools | Enterprise Setup | CORBA page, and make sure VisiBroker is selected on the Project | Project Properties | Build | IDL page.
, and have no idea how to fix it . I have VisiBroker selected on the Project | Project Properties | Build | IDL page but I do not know how to configure VisiBroker on the CORBA page .
I am not sure about javax.ejb. How to check? I use Borland JBuilder 6 and I am not sure is it good enough because I did not try other compilers.
Thank you.
Hi everybody,
I try to compile Enterprise JavaBean and have the error message:
"": Error #: 704 : cannot access directory javax\ejb at line 4, column 1
. What do I need to do to correct the error?
Thank you.
I am replying to myself .
This works:
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
Image image=new ImageIcon("u.jpg").getImage();
int qb;
, but I am not sure that it will work everywhere.
Your opinion?
Thank you.
21 years ago
You can use:
It will replace previous value.
21 years ago
Hi everybody,
How can I determine JPEG-file width from JAVA-BEAN if this file is on my hard drive?
Thank you.
21 years ago