Ramakrishnan thiyagarajan

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since Oct 07, 2003
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Recent posts by Ramakrishnan thiyagarajan

Thanks for ur reply. if client enters the input data,then how would the servlet verifies username and password.i have little bit confuse.bcos
i think servlet does nothing it receives client req and forward to appropriate jsp page.so how servlet verifies input.
20 years ago
If I enter the url in browser,what will happen? how would the url processed by server? pls clarify my doubt.
20 years ago
can anybody reply me?
actually ejbclient interacts wuth the bean while session time is out.so what will happen?whether container can maintains client state or can't.
pls clarify my doubt.
why we using ejb rather than jdbc transaction? pls clear my doubt.
hi all,
I don't know what are the problems when implementing cmp entity beans in production environmnt? pls clear my doubt.
hi all,
In ejb client access the enterprise bean through ejbobject in distributed
method.but in the case of servlet handles the client request via HttpProocol.so it also a remote method.myb question is "what is distributed object method?".pls clarify my doubt.
hi all,
In ejb client access the enterprise bean through ejbobject in distributed
method.but in the case of servlet handles the client request via HttpProocol.so it also a remote method.myb question is "what is distributed object method?".pls clarify my diubt
In mvc how would the controller servelt validate the username and password.bcos then only it directs the reuest to another page.pls clarify my doubt.
20 years ago
Hi julian,
Thanks for ur resp.But my question is, "how would the webserver maintain the client state?"
The answer is the server maintain client state using HtppSession object.
getSession() method used to store information about particulat client.ok.

Actually server is able to maintain mutiple client's state information.if one user disconnect with the server then "how would the server know?."

I think server would not care of this which maintains client information even client disconnect with server.pls clarify my doubt
20 years ago
multiple users are logging in different nodes,if one user disconect with he server then how would server identify the client session.I think
server is able to maintain each client sessionID.but if the sessionID expires then how would server know its state? i don't by means of cookies.
pls clarify my doubt.

20 years ago
forward source is Responsible issuing the response.
20 years ago
EJBcontainer maintains the stateful session bean state.if any webbased clinet accesses EJB the EJBclient session is maintained by HTTPsession.if the session period is out, container maintains a beans state.
i don't know what are the problem raising in cmp?pls clarify my ques.